I picked these up at the market in Spain, but what are they? They look like squashed peaches, and are fuzzy. They taste.. different. Sort of like an apple or pear, not very flavorful and not very juicy. (Maybe mine weren't that ripe.) I saw them labeled in a store as Paraguayos. Who knows more?
I have a back log like you wouldn't believe - so it'll have to be real boring food for a while so I can post about everything fun I've made recently! Or not - I'm seriously in such a good cooking mood, and I've been fiddling a lot in the kitchen every day for almost a week now.
A lot of fun food blogging events are coming up! This weekend, it's cook something pink! Then we have Sugar High Fridays, with the promising theme of dark chocolate. Mm. Not so promising, in fact, rather daunting, is the theme of Is My Blog Burning. Soufflés. Huh. I've secretly been waiting for this. I have no idea how to go about it. It's very frightening.
On Friday, Lena and I are heading to Nordiska Museet and the Chocolate Festival! Excitingly, we have tickets to a chocolate/alcohol tasting hosted by Betsy Choklad, which sounds so very promising on the homepage - can't wait! And I promise to tell you all about it. The back log will just have to wait a leeeeetle bit longer.
Chocolate/alcohol tasting sounds wonderfully decadent! Have fun and tell us all about it! I'm looking forward to all your "backlog" posts to come :)
BTW, thanks for the heads up on SHF and IMBB :)
Hello, I have some information about the peaches you mentioned. According to a magazine (Cuisine at home) they are an old variety called "peento" or "donut" in US, has a short harvest season at the beginning of august, also has low acid content and the taste is similiar to white peaches. So probably yours were not very ripe. Congratulations for the site, I am a consistent reader though I never wrote a comment before. Greetings from south...
Hi Anne,
I guess those fruits are flat peaches. We had them once this late summer (I was so curious), but I wasn't overwhelmed by their taste. I think David Lebovitz wrote about them, but I'm not sure...?
Nicky and Tülin - thank you! They were.. weird, but of course I couldn't resist something looking as funny as that :)
They're called Donut Peaches here, but I can't speak to their ripness.
Don't be afraid of souffles, Anne! They're easy. And, to toot my own horn a little, my post on egg whites should help. Or maybe this post. I know you'll come up with something great, Anne.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Nic. :)
De där ser ju helskumma ut! Vad kul att du hittade till min matsida! :)
In California those peaches are called Mars Peaches. They can taste really amazing when fully ripe and give off a fantastic aroma. Enjoy!
Dear Anne,
On the better late than never principle and for more information on the mysterious peaches: I've had them recently in Hungary and in Hungarian they are called pogácsabarack which is pretty much the equivalent of the doughnut thing. So the little bastards exist here as well but I wasn't impressed by them either.
Lots of greetings from a new readers of yours from Hungary, Eszter
Hej Anne..stumble upon your blog.. these are peaches.. just another cariety.. pretty expensive compare to the regular kind.. I love them...
will drop by your blog regularly =)
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