It's giveaway week at Anne's Food! (No, not really - it's just a coincidence.) The winner of Pascal Le Chef is Sol. And keep your eyes open, I have a really, really cool giveaway coming in a few days!
And today, I have a cookbook for you. With one of my recipes in it! (And recipes from 50 food bloggers - all with healthy ingredients that are really good for you.) I told you about this collaboration about a year ago, and it's finally time for the actual book giveaway. In order to win, just leave a comment on this post, telling me what's your current favorite cookbook!
Open to all readers, world-wide. Giveaway will close Friday, May 27, at midnight.
My current favourite cookbook is H.Välimäki"Lusikka Soppaan"
"Hembakat är bäst". Found it for 1€ at Ikea.
My current favourite cookbooks are called "Orient" from Zabert Sandmann (publisher) and "1.000 - Die besten Backrezepte von Dr. Oetker"
My favorite cookbook is and probably always will be Ingrid Espelid Hovigs "Store Norske Kokebok" (http://bokelskere.no/bok/store-norske-kokebok/16610/)
Traditional norvergian food. :D
And I can't spell...
Norwegian! :D
It's "love to cook" by Ravinder Bhogal! Oh, I'd love to see your recipe inside this book :)
My current favourite cookbook is Good to the Grain by Kim Boyce.
I found it via Heidi Swanson's blog.
Cool! I would love to win it. :) My favourite cookbook at the moment is Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi. All the recipes are vegetarian, and it has definitely taught me to use vegetables in a different way. I highly recommend it!
My favorite cookbook right now is actually the Costco Family Cooking one that I snagged for free several years ago. Every recipe inside is wonderful!
Hello Anne,
my favourite cookbook right now is "Regali golosi" by the Italian food blogger Sigrid Verbert. Ciao, marina
My current favorite cookbook is The River Cottage Family Cookbook.
My current favourite cookbook is Ready for Dessert by David Lebovitz :)
My favourite cookbooks are the Moosewood cookbooks.
Awesome giveaway! I'm currently re-reading and cooking from "Aphrodite" by Isabel Allende :)
The Laura Ingalls Wilder country cookbook.
Thank you for the give-away! My favorite cookbook is probably "Simply in Season."
My fav cook book at the moment is Taste of a Traveller by Brett McGregor, New Zealand's first Masterchef winner. Brett is a friend of mine (we taught together in Hong Kong) and he left teaching to pursue his passion for cooking. I am so prod of his success. The book is full of fab recipes (many Asian influenced from his travels) as well as photos and anecdotes...I love it!!! Kate :)
Kate - that one looks so interesting! I checked it out on the publisher's site, but I can't seem to find it at any of the big online stores. Is there a NZ one I should take a look at?
I recently had this obsession with traditional African food, buying up all the cookbooks i could find, and my current favorite is Discovery of a Continent by Marcus Samuelsson. I think i found it on Amazon for anyone that wants to know :)
My favorite cookbook as of present is Thai Street Food by David Thompson. I've never been to Thailand though hope to in the future but in the meantime I can cook up some authentic Thai dishes. Yum! It has really fantastic photography and writing as well.
My current favorite cookbook is a latvian cookbook that's been through three generations of use and is falling apart.
Paolo Petroni - Il libro della vera cucina Fiorentina, 230 ricette, Casa Editrice Bonechi - Firenze. The 5th edition of this book was published exactly one month after I was born.
My favourite cookbook is "Vår Kokbok" is has ecerything.
Hi Anne...try Wheelers, a bookstore in NZ...
I have also sent Brett a message to see if he has one laying about...will let you know..may be able to get one grattis ;)
Kate :)
Thanks Kate! :) I wrote to the publisher, too!
I can not help trying my luck streak!. Thank you so much for the little Pascal.. looking forward to incorporate him to my family :)
Well I must say that my favorite cookbook is the Tartine ones, both the first one and the one that deals on bread. All their recipes are so carefully detailed that its easy to get to good results!
My favourite cookbook is Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi. Simply delicious!
Each cookbook I obtain is like a new story. A compilation of the people and their culture can summed up so simply. My passion at the moment is Crepe Cookery by Mable Hoffman. I found this fun little crepe book as part of my obsession with French cooking. I admit traditional French cooking is labor intensive but the process and wait are more than worth the results and there is nothing better than being able to share that with my small family and close friends.
My current favourite cookbook is
My current favourite is Super Natural Everyday from Heidi Swanson. Since receiving it a few weeks ago I've tried many delicious recipes. I'm so pleased I got this book as it is fabulous.s
It has to be either Tessa Kiros' 'Twelve' or the one I'm currently ploughing through 'How to Feed Your Friends with Relish' by Joanne Weinberg.
Hi Anne,
my favourite cooking book is "Mormor mad" (Grand mother food) by Camilla Plum
My current favorite is 'De beste vegetarische recepten van de wereld' by Celia Brooks-Brown. I'd love to win this one, because I promised myself not to buy one single cookbook for a whole year and that's really really hard!
Current and perennial favourite:
"I Am Almost Always Hungry" by Lora Zarubin
My current favourite cookbook is The perfect scoop from David Lebovizt. I went crazy by making my own ice cream - especially the unusual favour - the cider and apples one is just in freezer..I can't help myself, but it is ice cream season (can't wait for rose and raspberry sorbet..)
"Enklare bröd" by another blogger, Martin Johansson. I have never baked so much bread... :)
I currently love "the Sauce Book" My boyfriend is a Swede who is used to sauces with meats...while I never grew up with them.
It's hard to choose just one cookbook. I like Mark Bitman's "How To Cook Everything".
My current favourite is always my newest one which, at the moment, is The Complete Southern Cookbook. But the one you are giving away looks like it could be a contender for my next favourite! ;-)
My favourite cookbook right now is an old one "Mattips från Damernas Värld". A collection of foodtips from a monthly (?) magazine here in Sweden, and this collection is from the 80´s when avocado was exotic :-)
I've been collecting cookbooks for the last 30 years in the 3 countries I've lived in. So have way too many to have a favourite book. But when I want to make cookies I pull out "Swedish Cakes and Cookies" which I bought when I met you back in 2006.
Enjoy the summer months with your family.
Hi Anne, my family just moved from Sweden to Australia for a few years and I left all my cookbooks in Sweden. That was a good reason to start byuing new ones here in Australia. Right now I have only one and that is Donna Hay ''A cook's guide''. Would love to get book featuring your recipe!
At the moment my favorite is "Cooking with Italian Grandmothers" by Jessica Theroux...wonderful recipes and beautiful stories of the author's travels throughout Italy and the time she spent cooking with these treasured women. Cheers!
My favourite cookbook at the moment is "Rutiga kokboken". I like its simplicity and it has everything.
My current favourite is Nigel Slater's Plenty. I love his writing style and simple but tasty recipes.
My current favorite is River Cottage Every Day, by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I'm also quite fond of his River Cottage Family Cookbook.
@ Asta...the Women's Weekly Cookbooks are absolutely fantastic...I recommend you buy as many as you can while in Australia...they will stay with you for life!! Kate
Den rutiga kokboken ofcourse!
Hands down :D
"Cook with Jamie."
My favorite will always be Nigella's "How To Be a Domestic Goddess". Love it!
It's so hard to pick one favorite cookbook! I love Everybody Eats Well in Belgium by Ruth Van Waerebeek. That one is always in my top 5 favorites.
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