I'm sure we can all use some help in the kitchen sometimes. Pascal Le Chef to the rescue! He's a little Voodoll and according to his description:
Pascal cultivates that innovative cooking artist inside of you, and gives you the power to perform even greater deeds in the kitchen than you already posses.
Sounds good, right? Do you want Pascal to move in with you? Just leave a comment on this post, telling me about your worst kitchen disaster. I'll randomly choose a winner, and Pascal will be flying to your rescue!
Giveaway closes tomorrow, Tuesday, May 24, at midnight.
Oh, that´s easy ! I was 15, in France to learn french and I wanted to treat my hosting family to something Swedish: Janssons frestelse. With telephonecoaching by mom from home I bought the ingredients; potatoes, anchovy, cream and onions. Foolproof. No, the potatoes were non-muschy, the cream turned sour and it was a complete mess. Let´s just say that my next attempt at making Janssons has not occured yet. And I am sure my french family hasn´t eaten anything remotely swedish since.
My worst kitchen disaster was burning some toast which was supposed to go with a seafood soup at a dinner party. Ooops! The house smelt smoky for days......
Ah, the memories, I was making fudge and one minute everything was fine the next minute my then boyfriend now husbands stove and floor was COVERED in a black guey substance. Need I say that it took med several days to clean it up? It was stuck in there like white on rice =) And the apartment smelt like burned sugar for weeks... It's sure is funny that he still married me after all my misshaps in his apartment =)
It's a bad idea to put a plastic rice cooker in the microwave without adding water to the rice. That smell is not of strawberries... The microwave survived. The rice cooker didn't.
(And to make it extra fun we've tried this twice... You can not learn from your partner's mistakes, apparently.)
Does domestic fights while cooking curry count? If so, you can only imagine what happened to my kitchen walls and ceiling after I had thrown that ladle in quite an aggressive manner... Hum. Otherwise, the ghost that keeps haunting me is the over-salted broccoli soup I once made. My SO still taunts me for that. Still, it wasn't half as gross as his meatball wok with oyster sauce.
Not really a disaster, my first vegetable stew keep remaining without sauce after turning off the stove. I was adding more water, turning on the stove, boiling, turning off, after 15 minutes no sauce. I did so at least 5 times. I called a neighbour who explained to me that I forgot to put the oil. No need to say that the stew was a mushy unidentifiable thing
I was a little girl, and wanted to bake a cake... unfortunately there wasn't any flour left, so I decided to use Maizena (starch)instead... they look similar right?!. The cake was for hours in the oven but it never got cooked all the way through, just a crust and then liquid!
Two disasters that I remember years later -
1) I made a basic yellow cake and iced it with green icingfor St. Patrick's Day. I didn't know that the oven temperature was not at all accurate. The outside ended up rather dark brown and the center of the cake remained doughy. Didn't find out about the doughy part until I cut the first piece. Funny thing is that I left it on the table, went out and came home later to find that 2 guy friends had come by and eaten a good portion of the cake. They left a note thanking me for the treat. They must have been desperately hungry.
2) Husband didn't believe that you really do need to poke some holes in sweet potatoes before baking them. They exploded all over. We found bits of peel around the kitchen for ages afterwards.
Last year for our wedding anniversary I wanted to put my forgotten ice cream machine to use and decided to make a decadent chocolate ice cream for him-his favorite. I spent WAY too much money on gourmet Scharffen-Berger chocolate, fresh milk and cream, and free-eggs for the recipe in hopes of sweeping him off his feet with chocolatey goodness. Too bad I got the salt confused with the sugar and if you ever tasted an ice cream base with a cup of salt in it, you can sense my utter disappointment. I-not to mention my poor husband- was so heartbroken.
I guess it has to be when I tried my hand at anko (Japanese red bean paste). The jam stuck so badly to the pan I ended up chucking it... along with the pan! Suffice to say it is not in my plans to make it again any time soon...
My guests were oh so polite and said nothing as they slowly ate their dessert. The lemon tart looked beautiful but tasted as sour as hell! when I finally took a bite and realised I had forgot the sugar (1 cup) the relief on my guests faces was priceless they weren't going to have to eat it.
I confused baking soda for baking powder. In a batch of about 200 biscuits :(
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