Once I tried making my own dumplings, I knew I wanted to do it again. And again. It's so tasty, and really, easier than you might think. Sure, rolling out the dough is a bit of a hassle, but I'm well prepared for next time: I bought the pasta roller kit for my Kitchen-Aid! (Haven't tried it yet, though.)
For a recipe for the dumpling dough, and instructions, go to this blog post.
Chicken Ginger Dumplings
400 g minced chicken
fresh ginger, a pretty large piece (I used about two thumbs), finely minced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp Japanese soy sauce
salt, black pepper
large bunch of fresh coriander, chopped
Mix all ingredients.
Dipping sauce:
2 tbsp Chinese soy sauce (dark)
2 tbsp Japanese soy sauce (light)
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp rice vinegsr
1 tsp sambal oelek
2 tbsp finely chopped coriander
Mix all ingredients.
Recipe in Swedish:
Dumplings med kycklingfärs
Gud vad gott det ser ut! :) Detta kommer bli mitt helgprojekt. Har du testat med wontonplattor? Äger ingen pastamaskin så jag har köpt plattor. Eller har du testat utan pastamaskin? Tack för en härlig blogg!
Jadå, det går det med - jag testade det nån gång innan jag lärde mig göra egen deg. (Det går att handkavla men.. eh.. jobbigt.)
Lycka till, hoppas det blir gott!!
I've posted a link to your recipe for a Ginger Christmas Recipes Post, you can find it here http://zuccherolattefiordifarina.blogspot.com/2011/12/ricette-con-lo-zenzero-per-nataleginger.html
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