I'm always on the lookout for cool cookie cutters - aren't we all? - and I have to admit I was drawn to these ABC ("Already been chewed") gingerbread men cutters. Aww! They're made by Fred Worldwide, and in Sweden, sold by Coolstuff, who sent these to me for review.
I tried them out with my favorite recipe for pepparkakor and I have to say that although they're fun, the cutters themselves kind of suck. They lack sharp edges which makes it a bit hard to get clear details, which in turn makes them a bit pointless. If you don't see the bite marks, well... they just look sort of broken. Anyway - they are rather innovative!
And the cookies are great, regardless of the shape!
wow, cute ginger bread man...
Oh, poor little fellows. :-( But they're looking really cute.
I think the better way to make pre-chewed gingerbread is to actually chew them:) No equipment required.
Wow, super ginger cuts
Haha, påminner mig lite om pepparkakspojken i Shrek!
Dem har jag. Rekommenderas! :D
That cookie cutter and ginger bread man reminds me of the movie Shrek. LOL So cute!
De har väldigt fina ute i Årstaberg på Gudrun Sjödenoutleten, 3 stora formar i form av blommor för 75 riksdaler/ Hälsar Gondolen-Anette ;o)
Åh, jag måste pallra mig ut dit nån dag. Tack för tipset Anette!
Here is a picture of cookies made with the 'deformed cutter'. Its difficult to say whether its funny or sad??? http://www.chow.com/galleries/66/holiday-cookies/2204/gingerbread-cookies
I love your cookies.., so great...
That has to be the funniest product review I have read in a long time. Thanks for the chuckle...!!
they're so cute !!
I own these! I made them a couple years ago and brought them into my office. Everyone assumed that everyone else was just breaking pieces off, and nobody took a whole one! Every time I went by the plate, they were missing more and more body parts!
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