Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleep well, Hamlet


I'm so sorry to have to write this post, but our beloved Hamlet passed away today. He turned nine in September, and as he's always been very healthy, we were expecting to have him with us for many more years. I hadn't really noticed anything wrong - except that he had been throwing up more than the usual hairballs, for a few days.

hamlet 071010

Late last night, he started to wobble. We immediately took him to the animal hospital, where he was also showing signs of liver failure. They took him in, and this morning, did an ultrasound. It showed something in the liver - they couldn't say for sure, but it was quite possibly a tumor. At this time, he couldn't support himself at all, and was just laying down. Needless to say, we decided to let him go straight away, and not put him through any more tests. It was clearly the right thing.

hamlet 061112

So. Heaven has another kitty tonight. I know Hamlet is meeting his girlfriend Ywette again, their daugther Edith, and many other beloved pets. And I bet he'll get all the shrimp and smoked ham he could ever want.


Hamlet was always the first - and usually the only - cat to greet us and all visitors at the door. That was clearly his job.

per hamlet 070203

He adored Per, and was really his cat much more than mine.

Goodnight Hamlet. We love you.


Astrid said...

So sorry to hear that Hamlet left you all unexpectedly today.
sending many hugs and the kitties send all their bestest purrrrs!

Karoleen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about beautiful Hamlet. You did the right thing, it's never right to let a pet suffer, eventhough it hurts. All the hugs to you all.

John K said...

I'm sorry for your loss. You did the right thing in sparing Hamlet more pain and thank you for sharing these photos about Hamlet's life. John.

Dagmar said...

What a beutiful post, it made me all teary. I thought about Per immediately when I heard all about it earlier today. My thoughts are with both of you. Hamlet will be truly missed and I'm so sorry he got ill. I'm sure Hamlet is in a perfect kitty heaven.

Anonymous said...

These posts inevitably make me tear up, I really feel your loss when it happens. So sorry he left you in this untimely fashion. Glad he didn't have to suffer a prolongued period of time.

Susanne said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

Gabriela said...

Anne - my heart breaks for you and those who were so well loved by Hamlet. I feel your grief and I share your sorrow. You wrote a wonderful tribute to dear sweet Hamlet. He will continue to live forever in your heart and in the hearts of those who loved him.

Lena said...

Tears are in my eyes for beautiful Hamlet. I'm sure he is enjoying kitty heaven playing with his friends and having the best meal. Though here he will be missed. Thinking of both you and Per. Kram!

vibi said...

I would normaly be reasonable and not cry about a cat I didn't even know, but your cat was so beautiful... had such soul in his eyes... I can't keep myself from hurting; I can only imagine how hard this must be for you.

I'm so sorry for your loss... thank you just as much for sharing his pictures and story with us.

Anonymous said...

Ledsen för er skull. Hemskt tråkigt och som du säger, för tidigt...
Han verkar ha varit en väldigt fin katt! Jag tror också att han är bland sin familj och äter räkor nu.

old lady said...

May your wonderful memories get you through the pain.

Kevin said...

Sleep well, old cat.

liuia drusilla said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Anne, I know how it hurts :(.


oh Anne I am very sorry...what I handsome cat he was...Keep hold of all those lovely memories.
Kram Julie x

onemorehandbag said...

I am very sorry about your loss! My (parents') cat having died shortly before Christmas, I know what it feels like.

Anonymous said...

Usch vad hemskt, lilla hamlet som var så go.. Ta hand om brorsan nu.../sofie

Valeria said...

I'm really sorry, Anne. I've never had pets, but my boyfriend has always had cats and I can guess what it must feel like. Sending him an extra thought and many hugs to you.

Giulia said...

Oh Anne, I'm so sorry about Hamlet. I know all too well about the pain. What a gorgeous boy--thank you for the photos. You did the right thing, but it always hurts.

much love from Washington, DC


Puglette said...

i am very sorry to hear about your loss. i am sure hamlet will be waiting to greet you again, over the rainbow bridge.

Psychedelicsister said...

My heart goes out to you for your loss. Hamlet was a handsome boy!
I lost my beloved Marcellus last year and he was only 9 years old. Maybe they will meet in kitty heaven ;)

Roy said...

I too am sorry to read that Hamlet passed. My sympathy goes out to you and your family.

felixfelis said...

:( Rest in peace beautiful kitty!

mithu said...

Awwwww!! I love Hamlet even though I never met him! Sleep well darling cat! He was beautiful; really, a very handsome face. Makes me think of my sweet kitties...

...Anne, there's a book called, "Tell Me Where It Hurts" by Dr. Nick Trout, a vet at the Angell Memorial Animal Hospital (in Boston, Massachuetts). I have a feeling you'll like it!

The Island Cats said...

We read about Hamlet going to the bridge on the Cat Blogosphere. We are so sorry. What a handsome fellow!! We send comforting purrs and headbutts to all of you who are missing him so much...

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hamlet looks and sounds like he was a great cat! We are very sorry to read of his passing. We are sending gentle headbutts and purrs for all of you.

Liz, mom to Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

We read about your loss on the Cat Blogosphere. We are so very sorry for the loss of your special friend.
He will meet lots of new friends over the bridge, and know that he thanks you for sparing him more pain.
Still, it is sad, and always leaves a hole that cannot be filled when we lose a beloved pet.
Our thoughts are with you.

Ikaika said...

What a lovely kitty your Hamlet was ... we are sending gentle purrs and are so very sorry he had to leave you.

Good night, sweet prince. Run free at the Bridge ...

'Kaika and the Yosemite cats

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

What a beautiful kitty . We're so sorry for your loss.

Ozark Mountain Cats

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

So very sorry to hear that Hamlet has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Sending quiet purrs to help comfort you during this sad time,

Charlemagne and Tamar

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

Hamlet was a beautiful and loved cat and will be very missed.
~ML and Kitties

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We did not know Hamlet but are so sorry to hear of his passing. We will keep you in our purrs

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Hamlet was and is still such a handsome mancat, we are so, so sorry he had to venture on to the Bridge. You are in our thoughts and purrayers, and we know our brother Max at the Bridge is greeting him and befriending as we speak ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

sana said...

He was a beautiful cat I'm I'm sorry for your loss, and sleep well Hamlet

Anonymous said...

Soar high Sweet Hamlet!

purrs and headbutts



Mom Laure

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are so very sorry to hear the news about sweet Hamlet, we know from experience just how difficult it is. We send you the best loving purrs.

natural selection said...

“I am as vigilant as a cat to steal cream.”
King Henry the IV
Part 1, Act IV Scene 2

William Shakespeare
Rest in Peace dear Hamlet a pair of boots and the finest food await you!


Poppy Q said...

We are sorry to hear about your beautiful boy. We are glad he is now not in any pain.

Julie and Poppy Q

P.K said...

Our fur family members are so precious, and it is a very heart wrenching thing to lose them.

Quill and Greyson said...

So sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful cat. It is always hard to let go of one whose heart touches your own.
Blessings, peace & hugs this evening,

Anonymous said...

We're very sorry to hear that Hamlet has gone to The Bridge. Please know that you and your family are in our purrs and purrayers. Codspeed dear Hamlet, Codspeed.
~Tristan, Crikey and Angela

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We're so sorry to hear of your loss...Godspeed Hamlet.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. I was actually just browsing through food blogs when I came accross your's. I lost my cat, Gussie-Boy, a few years back; he got kidney failure and we had to put him down.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loved one's loss...I've been there...I trust they are all waiting for us with a, "Hey, what took you so long?" look.
puss och kram-Karin

Karen Jo said...

I am so sorry that Hamlet had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. You did the right thing in sending him on, not to suffer any more. It's very hard, even though you know that it's the only thing to do.

susan said...

Oour hearts are with you, I read your column everyday,my one connection with home from my new life in Texas.We lost our basset hound Fred and maltese girldoggie Sugar few years ago.I am sure they are playing with Hamlet by now, we had a silver russian cat Victor that is introducing the whole family as we speak I am sure.Pictures of Titus brighten my days!What a child!Love from Houston from Susan and family.

Barbara said...

Tears in my eyes as well... I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a beautiful cat and a nice companion.

It sometimes happens... Our cats are of the same age. A friend's cat was 8 years and died on a liver problem as well, also unexpected. We can be happy to have some time to share with them.

You took the right decision, and now he can rest in peace.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sad for the loss of your beautiful Hamlet. You did the right thing for him. He will live on forever in your hearts.


meowmeowmans said...

We're very sorry for your loss. It's clear from your post that Hamlet was beautiful both inside and out. Thank you for loving him as well as you did. Our thoughts are with you.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. That is so sad. He was a real beauty.


Rosa, Fridolin & Maruschka

Jul said...

I'm so sorry to read that...:( He was a beautiful cat. No. He IS a beautiful cat. Still. In heaven, over us. And he's spending time with his cat family. Keep warm Anne! Lifestyle On The Net said...

I'm just wanna say son sorry,to
Sleep well Hamlet....may GBU

Anonymous said...

sympathy to you animals are so much a part of our families.

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about your loss. It made me cry. /Annika

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Hamlet was a beautiful kitty.

dining room table said...

I am so sorry to hear that you’re beloved Hamlet passed away. It must have been very hard for you. Hamlet is special for you.

numberwitch said...

Oh Anne, I'm really sorry to hear about Hamlet & I'm typing this with tears rolling down my cheeks.

You've lost part of your family. I know how hard it is to say goodbye and let them go, and how much you miss them.

All good wishes to you and a special purr from Ellie & Lulu