Heaven has another kitty today.

Last night, Ywette passed away. We had our veterinarian friend come over and give her a shot, and it was all very peaceful. We held her until she wasn't there anymore.

Ywette came to live with us on 9/11 - THAT 9/11. So, we had her for eight wonderful years, and she was the mother of many, many beautiful kittens. In the past few months, we'd noticed her losing a lot of weight. Her fur lost its shine, and started to become matted and tangled. In combination with an increased thirst, that pointed to kidney problems.

We took a blood sample, and our fears were realized - she had hypertyreosis. Quite common in humans, and not exactly uncommon in older animals (Ywette was 12), and the prognosis can vary. In this case, it wasn't good. Her kidneys were already quite damaged, and the chance of her responding well to daily and lifelong medication was so-so. We decided that it was better for her to have a good ending.

This is the hardest thing one has to do as a pet owner - to decide, when they can't. Give your kitties an extra hug tonight, and send a thought to our Ywette, who was such a good companion for so many years.
I'm sorry to hear that. Glad she, and you, had many good years with each other.
Sov gott Ywette, vi tänker på dig.
Oh what a fool I feel, sitting here crying in front of my computer about a cat I never met!! We had two beautiful Persians when I was at school, both of whom succumbed to kidney failure. It's exactly as you describe it - suddenly one day you stroke them and you can feel the bones in their spine more than before (the weight loss), and then one day they seem to start struggling with grooming. I remember crying and crying about Smokey on the day when he took his last trip to the vet - I sat with him waiting for my mom to come home from work and take him there. All I could think of was a line from that song "Vincent" that went through my head over and over again: "This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you". Sleep peacefully, little Ywette.
I'm really sorry for your loss! My parents' cat is 15 now and I realise that this is a biblical age for a cat (he is still very fit and active), but I'm still not really prepared to say good-bye in the near future.
I'm so sorry, Anne. We had to put down one of our cats while I was pregnant, and it was awful. I'll be thinking of you.
It's so hard losing a dear friend. We lost our marmelade cat Orlando a couple of years back when he was ten. The vet couldn't find anything and he seemed to recover but then it turned out he had a tumour and there was nothing we could do. We wrote down all the wonderful memories of our time together and talk about him a lot. Am thinking of you and am so sorry to hear this.
Hejdå Ywette, sov gott. Tack för allt det fina du gav Anne och hennes familj i detta livet.
Anne - tänker på er idag. Skönt att ni kunde ge henne ett fint slut och att ni kunde säga adjö. Jag ska krama om mina två katter, Stars och Stripes, och tänka på Ywette.
Vila i frid Ywette. Vi kommer att sakna dig.
I'm so sorry to hear it... I understand You, because I also had to say "goodbye" to my lovley pet few years ago. But remember: her soul will always be with you!(i know that some people say, that animals don't have souls, but i'm sure they have!) Puss och kram!
i am so very sorry to hear about the loss of sweet ywette. you are right, this is the most difficult decision a pet owner can make.
snuggle that little boy all the tighter, he will help to heal your hearts.
Mina tankar går till Ywette och till er.
Anne, I'm so sorry.
I know very well what it means to loose a little friend like yours Ywette.
A big big hug to you.
Anne, I am so sorry. I remember your pretty Yvette as well as the regal Kelly. They were very different, I know, and I trust Kelly is in good health. I am so sorry about your loss.
She was a beautiful cat.
You have my sympathy. It is never easy, but you did the compassionate thing. Our little black cat was with us almost 22 years when she developed a brain tumor. We did the only right thing for her.
I am so sorry. I am just a lurker here, but I love seeing your kitties and I just had to comment. Ywette is a real beauty and it is obvious how much you love her. I recently had to release a much loved pet from his suffering as well, and I do know how hard it is. Take courage, because you did the most loving thing possible. Ywette understands, and loves you.
I'm so very sorry for your loss! Ywette was a beautiful kitty with such wise looking eyes (you know that they say eyes are the window of your soul)
I am glad that you were able to be with her as she passed; I am sure that gave her MUCH comfort and peace to know the ones who loved her most were there with her!
Blessings, Aimee
I am so sorry. I love reading your recipes (and Dagmar's too - I came to your site through her) and your cats are all so beautiful. As a cat lover and owner I know how hard a time this is. Best wishes.
Åh Anne, jag tänker på er. Men hon har det bra, och tittar ner på er.
Kram !
Oh no... I cried this morning when I read that. Hugs for you, and all the other cats.
I too cried when I read this. I have a picture of Yvette nursing a litter pinned up on a wall next to my desk. She was such a beautiful girl and such a good mom. I will give my kitties extra hugs tonight.
Take care - mb
I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful cat.
So sorry to hear about your loss. I hope all the happy memories with your kitty bring a smile to your face, even through the tears.
Im really sorry for your loss. You have a beautifull cat and she reminds me of my cat when I was in high school. My cat's name was Gringo.
so sorry to hear of your loss. I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face, feeling your pain (and I'm not even a cat person). Sometimes the most painful thing for us, is the most loving action for our companions. My two little dogs are going to cuddles right now.
I am so sorry for your cat! And I will be so sad when mine dies...
I feel so sad for you, it's always so hard when you lose a much loved pet. Ywette had a wonderful life with you though! :)
My first post to you and what a sad one. As a fellow cat owner I feel so very sorry for your loss. I have a cat who's 21 years old, no spring chicken, but is still going...just. When the time comes to say goodbye to her it will be awful. Ona happier note, I discovered your blog on getting home from my first visit to Stockholm. I'm a real foodie, love the Scandinavian style and your blog's keeping my holiday memories alive. Take care and keep up the good work.
Thank you all so very much for your kind comments. They mean so much to me.
A beautiful cat, who clearly had a beautiful life with you. It's so hard to lose a dear friend, but I hope you feel good about all that you did for your Ywette. Rest in peace, sweet kitty!
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