I can't believe how much I'm dawdling with these kitten names, but I just can't seem to nail it! You had excellent suggestions, but... it's harder with two than four, for some reason. So keep them coming! Kansas and Kentucky is definitely favorites for me, but it doesn't seem very feminine...
Anyway. They're doing really well, and while they're not eating on their own just yet, we've started to skip the night feedings. (phew!) The full set of photos is here.
Such adorable little faces!
They are the cutest kitties EVER!!
They are SO cute!
How about Salt & Pepper or Cookie & Cream for names.
Kream and Key Lime (pie)
Sugar and Spice
The kittens are adorable! So cute and I rather like Kansas & Kentucky, even if they are girls.
I agree with Britt-Helen. Kansas and Kentucky are strong striking names.
Salty and Peppa
They are darling...congrats!
How about Karro and Kajsa. Even though Karro should really be with a C. They are both strugglers and their names goes well with gold and silver.
They are absolute beauties!! I'm so glad they're doing so well.
How about Millie & Molly?
I am such a kitty person and these two are soooo precious! I am terrible with names too. I think it is so cute that the majority of people here have food related names. . .which definitely tells what kind of bloggers we are =D!
I have 2 girls named Sascha and Sha'uri (pronounced sha-ray). What do you think of those??? Love your blog!!!!!
How about Japanese girls' names?
or animals in Japanese
Kitsune (fox)
Kaeru (frog)
Kaba (hippo)
Koi (carp)
Kuma (bear)
Thera are no words - just adorable! See U soon?
Selene I love the idea of Kitsune and Kuma!
Thanks everyone! The names do have to start with a K, which is pretty much the limiting factor... oh, it's just so difficult this time! They really won't tell me! :)
Vilka sötnosar du har blivit med då! Skickar en utmaning åt dig om du känner för det....
All about the booze today, so my suggestions are...
Kirsch and Kaluha
Sonny and Cher?? Are they male and female?
Oppsie Sunny and Cher? Oppsie I see 2 females then Sunny and Cher? They are darling!
Kaffe och Kaka..?! *fnissar förtjust* Bussarna går ju igen, töm almanackan! ;D
Jag gillar ju namn som betyder något, jag forskar alltid i namns betydelse innan jag gör nåt.
Katharina dimunitiv form av Katherine, ursprungligen ren (pure) på grekiska). Kanske för den lilla vita.
Kristine för den lilla randiga
(K är en svår bokstav btw)
OMG - look at those! I want them!
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