Ok, many people ask what we're going to name them, and the truth is? I don't know. So, I thought maybe you'd have some suggestions? Here are the rules:
-All kittens will have the family name "Kellycats", and they'll be named after their color as in "Kellycats Golden XXX" or "Kellycats Silver XXX". (For example, Kelly's last litter were "Kellycats Golden Honey", "Kellycats Silver Habanero" and "Kellycats Silver Harissa".)
-The names have to start with a K.
-The names have to have a common theme (The H-litter was.. well, spices or condiments. We've also had greek names, romans, ducks, singers, mythological creatures, cheese, and Shakespeare characters. So any theme goes, really!)
-We want the names to be fairly short and something that you actually could call your cat - not a very fancy name that's just for show.
We have some ideas, but I'd love to hear yours!
And don't worry, tomorrow I'll be posting about food again... but I promise to keep you updated every weekend for Weekend Cat Blogging!
Congrats Granny :-)They came right on time.
Some suggestions (not sure about the colors though):
After Chefs:
Kellycats Striped Keith
Kellycats Striped Kennedy
Kellycats White Kerr
Kellycats White Keller
Or after Whisk(e)ys:
Kellycats Striped Knappogue
Kellycats Striped Kilchoman
Kellycats White Kinclaith
Kellycats White Knockando
Not very good cat names, but at least some ideas :-)
Various Nintendo characters? :-) Here are some starting with K:
Kellycat's golden Kiddy Kong
Kellycat's silver Kirby
Kellycat's silver King Boo
Kellycat's golden Koopa
Kid Icarus
Or Zelda characters:
Kaepora Gaebora (the owl in Zelda)
Kotake (one of the Twinrova witch sisters from Zelda)
Koume (one of the Twinrova witch sisters from Zelda)
Knuckle (Zelda as well)
Or Vodka:
Kittens! Yay! How very beautiful.
Kuan Yin
Haha, vad grymt, när jag sms:ade dig glömde jag helt bort att det var K som gällde. ;D men man kan alltid justera sanningen! Kaffe. Den är ju självskriven. ;D Kaka! Och Kräm. :D Och kanske ...kulspetspenna? ;D Jag lägger ner. Hoppas slippa bli dödad vid nästa sammanstrålande. ;)
I'm going to India this September, so I'd suggest:
Kashmir (quite good for a cat, imho :)
Kama (the god of love; btw, in Polish it's a short for Kamila, a version of Camilla)/Krishna (Kali starts with a K, but she's kind of scary as a goddess)
Kulfi (a sweet a bit like ice-cream or semifreddo)
Oh, dear, makes me want to have kittens again! My two cats are 13 and 11, so no chance there...;-) I must tell you, as a veterinarian, I have come accross some really unusual and cute and even weird names for cats, but personally, and I think it would be appropriate, I love food names. I had a white shepherd once named Whippy (short for whipping cream), and Toffee. But with a K, hmm, I promise I'll give it some thought... how abput Knacke (sorry, couldn't find the right "a")? Kokos? Kale? Kasha? Kiwi? Kumquat?
Oh, dear, makes me want to have kittens again! My two cats are 13 and 11, so no chance there...;-) I must tell you, as a veterinarian, I have come accross some really unusual and cute and even weird names for cats, but personally, and I think it would be appropriate, I love food names. I had a white shepherd once named Whippy (short for whipping cream), and Toffee. But with a K, hmm, I promise I'll give it some thought... how abput Knacke (sorry, couldn't find the right "a")? Kokos? Kale? Kasha? Kiwi? Kumquat?
Wow, you're all so creative!! Berka, they are actually golden and silver (you'll see when they're older) but good guessing! I'm thinking about saving the whisky theme for next one: L. (Unless we get a girl and a boy, because those will definitely be Luke & Leia!) I love the chef theme :)
Dagmar - you are great, I *love* the Nintendo names. :) We did think about Kirby, Koopa and Kid Icaros ourselves, but couldn't think of any more! I love both King Boo and Kiddy Kong. :)
Foodycat, lovely ideas! Possibly a bit harder to find male gods starting with a K?
Niklas, lovely! The actors are great, and I like the idea of capitals too. I was sort of thinking about suburbs for a while, like Kensington... Hmm.
Feline, du är ursäktad. :) Och jag tänkte på Kopi Luak, men kom inte på fler kaffesorter på K...
ptasia - that one is definitely one of my faves! Karma, Kulfi, Kashmir and Kerala.. nice!
Karina, Kiwi & Kumquat were really really good! Two more fruits? :) Gooseberry is Krusbär in Swedish, so I could squeeze that one in too :)
Well, apparently there's a fruit called Karat:
Coconut is Kokos in Polish, and I believe some other languages as well (German?)
True, kokos is the Swedish name for coconut, as well. (Or rather, kokosnöt.) The thing I have against it is that it happens to be the name of Kelly's brother... but no big deal, really. I guess we could say edibles in a wider sense though, and include things like Kimchee :) Kiwi, Kumquat, Kulfi and Kimchee, perhaps?
Had a rummage around the internets and although I don't know correct the meaning of these words are, I suggest the following:
Kai - Willow tree (Native American for boy)
Kauri - Forest tree (Polynesian for boy)
Kezia - Cassia tree (Hebrew for girl)
Karri - Eucalyptus tree (Australian Aboriginal for girl)
How about some Buddhist names? There's Karuna (compassion) Kaya (body) Khanti (patience) Kusala (wholesome) Kesa (a Japanese monastic robe) Karma and Kalyanamitta (admirable friend.) But that last one is a mouthful! Congratulations on the kittens, they're SO CUTE! I look forward to watching them grow up and get even cuter. I was wondering how the other cats act toward kittens. Do they eventually all hang out together?
Små som frukost-flingor. Så vad med Golden Kornflakes,
Golden Krispies,
Silver Kix och
Silver Krusty O's`?
eller kanske inte... ;-)
Korinter? Kurant?
Oh, I don't know. I definitely come here for the food recipes, but those are some darling little kitties and I'd be just as happy to see posts about them!
I'm not even going to try the name thing, but I love the way you name them!
Hi Anne,
I'm new to your blog!!! I love it. I follow it religiously.
Now for your kitten's names. I was thinking of the world's volcanoes.
Kaba - in Sumatra
Kao - in Tonga Islands
Kula- in Turkey
Kiska - in Aleutian Islands
How about some North American Indian tribal names?
- Kaska
- Kato
- Klickitat
- Kutchin
- Kashaya
- Kolchan
- Kiowa
- Koso
I love those Indian names that ptasia suggested. They are just wonderful!
How about cocktails:
King sasha
Love your blogs thanks for the ideas :-)
God names: Kukailimoku, Kama and Krishna!
This is very different from the sophisticated & exotic names previously suggested, but for somer reason, I'm thinking Forrest Gump this morning.
Kellycats Silver Gump
Kellycats Silver Jenny
Kellycats Torty Bubba and
Kellycats Torty Captain
What cute sweethearts!!
How about flowering plants?
Kaprifol, Krusmynta,Kokard & Kornell!?
(but i really loved the Nintendo-theme as well!)
Hope the kittens are doing better today.
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