It's Friday! So, time for dessert. I've been playing a lot with panna cottas lately. They're so delicious, so much fun, and so simple to make. They do require time to rest in the fridge, to firm up, but other than that, they're really a breeze.
I made this one for my pal Nico who talked about a great apple panna cotta he had eaten on a trip. I don't know if this came very close, but everyone loved it and it's Per's favorite out of all the ones I've made.
The basic idea is a spicy apple compote, topped with a creamy vanilla. The compote is quite loose and runny - you could add gelatin to it if you want it to set more, but I personally like the contrast. The apple compote is definitey best if it's left to infuse overnight, but if you're in a hurry, it will work anyway.
Vanilla Panna Cotta with Apple Compote
Serves 4
Apple Compote:
3 apples (I used Pink Lady)
50 ml brown sugar
50 ml homemade vanilla sugar (or regular sugar)
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
1/2 blood orange, juiced (or a regular orange)
Peel the apples and cut into small dice. Mix all ingredients in a small pot, bring to a boil and let it simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes. (You can leave it for longer if you want it to be mushier.)
Pour everything into a bowl, cover with plastic, and place in the fridge over night. On the next day, remove the spices, and divide the apples and some of the liquid in small ramekins or cups.
Vanilla Panna Cotta:
300 ml heavy cream (35-40% fat)
1 gelatin leaf
50 ml homemade vanilla sugar (or regular sugar)
1/2 vanilla pod
Soak the gelatin in cold water for five minutes. Meanwhile, heat sugar, cream and vanilla until the sugar has dissolved. Remove the vanilla. Squeeze the water from the gelatin and add it to the cream. Stir well, until dissolved. Carefully pour the panna cotta over the apple compote and place in the fridge to firm up for at least four hours.
Recipe in Swedish:
Vaniljpannacotta med äppelkompott
Looks so good-- can't wait to give it a try!
Åh vad gott! Smart att ha det gottiga under istället för ovanpå, det blir ju automagiskt snyggt (förutsatt att man lyckas). Men då måste jag sluta servera pannacotta i mina färgglada plastmuggar från IKEA. ;D
Du får gärna receptet på Sorbeten men grejen är den att jag köper in en speciel fruktpure från frankrike som inte finns här i sverige så det kan bli svårt att göra den utan tyvärr. hoppas du mår bara bra mvh Daniel
Daniel, åh, det kan ju vara lite krångligt förstås! Får hitta på någon egen variant på lite enklare ingredienser då :) Jag gjorde en lime och ananassorbet förra sommaren som var himla god, så jag får väl bygga vidare på den! :)
Feline, det är just så himla fint i glaskoppar tycker jag :)
Will definitely be trying this one out, am a fan of anything custardy and this looks amazing
I'm not usually a fan of pannacotta, but I do love the idea of pairing it with a spicy apple compote. Will definitely file this recipe to be tried later!
looks delicious!
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