I made these wonderful little blondies a few days ago, and I won't even bother to tell you how good they were, because it'll won't take you more than half an hour to whip up your very own batch. Go! Go!
I found this at Smitten Kitchen - thank you, thank you, thank you.
One-Bowl Blondies
Makes 16
110 g butter, melted
250 ml (1 cup) brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla sugar
pinch of salt
250 ml (1 cup) flour
and any or all add-ins, like
-dark chocolate
-white chocolate
-toasted nuts
-dried fruit
-mashed bananas
I added about 50 ml (that's a little more than three tablespoons) each of dark and white chocolate, and 100 g of toasted hazelnuts.
Heat the oven to 175°C, and butter a small oven pan, about 20*20 cm.
Mix the brown sugar with the melted butter. Add the egg and vanilla. Stir in salt and flour, and any add-ins you'd like. Pour this into the pan, and bake for 20-25 minutes - it should be a little gooey when you pull it out.
Freezes very well, re-heats perfectly in the microwave, and for real decadence, serve with some whipped cream and possibly a few berries.
Recipe in Swedish:
I have to try them on my own. And if they freeze well it's a huge plus. Or maybe not. I'm not sure if there is anything left to be put in the freezer. Hihihi
Oh, så gott!
Det är farligt och skriva en så lång lista med godsaker man kan stoppa i, jag har en tendens att vilja ha med allt!
I think I made a similar comment when Smitten Kitchen made them- they're way too easy and therefore very dangerous! Delicious!
Mums. Och så lätt det ser ut att göra dom. Hmmm ... det är bättre när det är svårt att göra kakor för då frestas jag inte så lätt. Gott, gott.
i made these - great stuff! thanks~!
I am completely ashamed to say that we made and ate two batches of this this weekend! Thanks ;)
I made these and they were absolutley wonderful!
These cakes are very tasty! Bravo for your nice blog !
Hej! A friend of mine made those in muffin form... they were great. My brother kept asking whose that amazing recipe is! :D
I especially like your style. It is very relaxing and also interesting to read. Your recipes are also simple yet effective. I hope everything is great up in beautiful Stockholm. Cheers :)
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