I know, I know. Broad beans again? Well, since this is really the only bean I enjoy, I have to say.. yes. Broad beans. Again. Really. It's too bad that the season is pretty much over. I have some frozen ones still in the freezer, but other than that, it's looking a bit grim.
Anyway. This pasta is another delicious way to eat broad beans. You could substitute some bright green peas if you'd like - that's be really good too. I wouldn't use any other beans though - or hey, possibly some edamame.
Broad Bean Bacon Pasta
Serves 4
300 g tagliatelle pasta
70 g bacon, diced
1 onion, diced
800 g fresh broad beans (unpodded weight)
100 g mangetout or sugar snap peas
70 g blue cheese
200 ml crème fraîche
black pepper
Boil the pasta in plenty of salted water. Fry the bacon and the onion. Pod and peel the broad beans, and either add directly to the bacon, or blanch briefly in boiling water. (Some people get tummy aches from uncooked beans.) Sliver the mangetouts and add them as well. Crumble in the blue cheese, and stir in the crème fraîche. Finish with plenty of black pepper, and stir in the cooked pasta. Enjoy!
Recipe in Swedish:
Pasta med bondbönor och bacon
Det finns såna bönor på burk i The English Shop i söderhallarna. Tror burken är enorm o kosta 20 kronor eller nåt sånt... bara utifall du får panik. Tror de kallas green beans på burken. Men är ganska säker på att det är samma böna
Tack! Jag har testat burkade såna här förut - min Willys hade - men fy. nej, usch. Burkbönor har jag svårt för. Tyvärr. De blir ofta så himla mjöliga. Det blir även färska bondbönor om man kokar dem länge, huuu.
Mmmmmm, I'm with you in the broad bean fan club - aren't they The Best?? Good for you for thinking ahead and freezing some! This pasta looks perfectly lovely. And I have on occasion used frozen edamame instead of broad beans and it's not a bad substitute.
Yesterday I saw a big bag of frozen broad beans in the frozen foods section. Are those usually any good? I decided not to buy them but maybe I should give them a try?
Ann-Lou - frozen ones can be very good! (But hey usually need to be peeled, unless they're "baby".) I haven't found any in Sweden though, but I keep my fingers crossed...
I also crave broad beans! Thanks for these two recipes!!
Don't apologize for the beans -- so good, so sweet. But I agree, it's sad the season, for most veggies, is over.
Sounds delicious. I love brpad beans too they are so creamy.
Mmmm - this sounds delicious! Sadly as you say it will be next year now for this recipe..
That said, I love root vegetables so this time of year is pretty exciting for me anyway :)
Hi Anne - I just got back from the beach here in Sydney, Australia, and wanted to cook some pasta with bacon and broad beans. I went online to look for a recipe and came across your site.
Thanks so much for posting this recipe - we'll be enjoying it here tonight on a lovely summer evening in Australia with some cold white wine.
Broad beans are in season here now and they are going for 0,99 euros/kg. I haven't really cooked them before and came across this whilst looking for a good recipe. Do you have any other suggetions for broad beans since you mentioned you liked it a lot?
Murasaki - I have a bunch of recipes for it, try typing in broad beans in the google box in the column. I love them in salads and pastas, but they're also wonderful to just mash up with a little lemon and eat on bread or as a dip.
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