Phew - almost one week without posting anything terribly unhealthy! See, I really can do that :) I cook way more healthy things than I bake or make desserts, but somehow, it's more fun to blog about the cookies, buns or ice creams, meaning that the other dishes sit unpublished for a while. Like this one!
I made this about two weeks ago, and it was really wonderful. Like I've said several times, I'm trying to eat more beans and lentils, and I've never had a problem with puy lentils or with green beans so this dish is perfect. I got the idea from an old Is My Burning, where I found a recipe by Moira who used to blog at Who Wants Seconds? I really like reading through old event round-ups - it's great for inspiration.
Puy Lentil Salad with Feta Cheese
Serves 2 as a main dish
100 g Puy Lentils
250 ml water (1 cup)
1 bay leaf
150 g haricot verts
1 large carrot, or two small
1 red onion
75 g feta cheese
bunch of coriander
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp runny honey
salt, pepper
Place lentils and the bay leaf in a small saucepan. Add the water and bring to a boil. Cover with a lid, and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the lentils are soft but not mushy.
Slice the carrot, and boil in salted water until the slices have softened but still retain some bite. Move to a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking.
Boil the green beans for 2-3 minutes in salted water. Immediately move them to a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking.
Dice the onion finely. Whisk together the oils, the vinegar, honey, salt and pepper for the dressing, and chop the coriander.
Rinse the lentils in cold water and drain. Put them on a large serving plate and toss with the beans, carrot, onion and coriander. Drizzle with the dressing and finish by crumbling over the cheese.
Recipe in Swedish:
Linssallad med gröna bönor och fetaost
I need help. What are haricot verts?
That looks delicious - very fresh and healthy.
Colorful, crunchy and with loads of protein for all of us vegetarians out there! I will definately make this dish for my brother and I tonigt. Yum!
Made this for dinner last night and it was delish! Currently eating the leftovers for lunch as I type
Looks lovely. I'd like to try this with the green beans I picked up at the farmer's market yesterday. Thanks!
If I may, for Shady Gardener, haricot verts is just French for green beans. Haricot: beans, and vert: green. French green beans are longer and thinner than most of the typical American varieties.
Nikki - oh, thank you for clearing that up! I totally forgot to reply. *embarrassed*
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