Someone suggested I'd try to make something risotto-ish with quinoa. Hmm. Interesting. I don't think quinoa seeds take very well to the absortion method used for risotto (and that can be used for pasta, too!) but I might be wrong. Anyway, I just boiled some quinoa, fried up some bacon, onions, garlic, mushrooms and corn, mixed it all together, added a little bit of cream and parmesan, and finished with basil and black pepper. Good? Yes indeed! A risotto? No, of course not. It doesn't have nearly the same creaminess, but it *is* a good way to eat quinoa, if you get tired of all those cold salads I usually make.
For Swedish-readers, the round-up for Cyberkocken is now up - here!
And I have a new item on my wishlist. *sigh* Nicole wrote about Wilton Portable Cake Caddy - and now I want one, too! Problem? Not sold in Sweden, shipping from Ebay costs an arm and a leg, and Wilton doesn't ship internationally. And I don't want it bad enough to jump through hoops, so I suppose I'll be lusting from a distance. But it sure does look good, and a lot more affordable than the Tupperware version.
Har du kollat med sidan dom har wiltons produkter här i Sverige?? Hälsningar Kola :)
I love mine (cake caddy)! I bought it after taking the Wilton cake decorating class series. It is so handy and you could use it since you've been doing so much baking lately!
I love your blog, in fact, I read it everyday! I've tried to start one but have no time to update it!
Kola, jo, jag mailade dem.. de kunde ta in den, men då var jag tvungen att köpa de tre som var i ett case. Fine, det går väl, men sen skulle de kosta 400:- styck, och det tycker jag är lite saftigt för nåt som kostar en hundring.. frakt i all ära va, men.. nä. Då köper jag hellre Tupperwares. :)
Charlena - ooh, another endorsement then. It really does look smart! :) And thank you for reading :)
I've tried a barley risotto (surprisingly creamy and good) but not quinoa. Will give this a go too. Thanks!
Vill du att jag skickar en från Kalifornien?
Wendy, I've tried it with barley too - and I remember it as *very* good. It was a few years ago though, so I should make it again!
Lotta - men åh så snällt! :) Risken är väl att frakten blir rätt saftig även med vanlig post, men du får hemskt gärna kolla upp det om du har tid och möjlighet. Och hur kan man lösa betalningen?
I checked the cake carrier, and I noticed this:
TEL: +46 70 56 55 888
I didn't know if you had noticed the information. I hope it helps.
Nilliem, yes, thank you! That's the company I've been in touch with, but they want a near 400% markup for it, and I just don't want it bad enough, I suppose :)
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