These are amazingly easy to make! I had never really thought about it, but encountered hand made peppermint patties when out shopping with my friend Tesse. (Who has a nice blog about whisky, by the way.) She said that she loved them, and could I please find a recipe? So I did. And it's so easy. And tasty.
I absolutely suck at tempering chocolate, so my poor patties - the ones left after the first two days - turned grey and dull. Not suitable for giving - but just as good for eating, thankfully. Next time, I must try harder. After all, how hard can tempering really be?
Peppermint Patties
makes about 24
1 egg white
about 350 g confectioner's sugar
1,5 tsp peppermint extract
0,5 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
dark chocolate for dipping
Beat the eggwhite until foamy, but not stiff. Gradually add sugar, and beat until you have a stiff dough. Add the flavorings, a little at a time and taste until they're to your liking.
Form small balls and place on parchment paper. Flatten slightly so you have round, thick patties. Cover with plastic wrap and let dry out a bit, overnight preferrably. (And if possible, turn them over once so they dry on both sides.)
Then melt your chocolate, and dip the patties on both sides.
Recipe in Swedish:
Wow de här ska jag göra!
Jag brukade alltid få sådana där kakor som det står MINT på av min mormor när jag var liten. Inte något barngodis egentligen men fina minnen :)
kanske blir de lite fel om man inte får folie i munnen, precis som kexchoklad känns lite fel nuförtiden.
I brought back some peppermint oil from Denmark so I could make peppermint candies at home for Xmas:)
I hadn't thought about dipping them in chocolate though - will do it now!
They look beautiful Anne, just like store bought!
Where do I find Tesse's blog?
Virvla - de här smakar precis som de! Fast utan folie, då.
Pille - oh, do try!
Dagmar - well, when they were first made at least :)
berka - oops! It's here!
Great food blog. Thanks for sharing great recipes
these sound lovely! great blog.
Anne, I had an egg white so made this mixture up, but made little balls & then rolled them in coconut. Little snow balls that don't melt!! Thanks.
Pene - oh, coconut sounds like it'd work out great! :)
David - thank you!! That last bit is nothing I've tried before, interesting!
Made these for valentines day ... yum yum yum! But in addition to peppermint I made some with orange oil (Boijan) and some with cinnamon extract (I don't recommend that as highly as the orange or peppermint). I rolled the filling out and cut them out with cookie cutters so the heart were perfect. And dried egg whites worked really well ...
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