I read about the Eight Cookbooks of Separation-challenge on Food Blog School a while ago, and I *meant* to post about it right away. But.. well, I didn't. Anyway, better late than never. So. The picture above shows pretty much all my cookbooks. They have an entire bookshelf to themselves. It's a pretty big shelf. But I bet many of you food bloggers easily match this collection.
Anyway, it'd be stupid to blog about each and every one, so here's a couple of my favorites and most used books.

1. Stora Kokboken (Translates "The Big Cookbook")
This used to be my grandmother's. My other grandmother had one too, which I grew up with, since she lived with us. That one is another edition, and I'm much more used to that one - but mom would never give it up, so it lives with her. Instead, I got this one when my other grandmother died. She got it for christmas in 1953. Stainfactor? Very low as in it's well protected, but very high as in used a lot. This has so incredibly many good basic recipes, it's something I always look at.
2. Jamie Oliver - Jamie's Dinners
Well, this is my favorite of Jamie's books, but I have all of them. We cook extensively from this one, and I'd have to say it has a stainfactor of 7 or so. More importantly, everything has come out absolutely perfect so far. Yum. A safe book.
3. Nigella Lawson - Nigella Bites
Again, I have all of Nigella's books, but this is my personal favorite. I have made about half the recipes in it, I think, and I love it. It's not as dependable as Jamie, but it has an even higher stainfactor. Say 8.
4. Bitchin' in the Kitchen - The PMS Survival Cookbook
I picked up this little gem in a weird store somewhere in a mall in California, many years ago. It's written by Jennifer Evans and Fritzi Horstman, and I completely fell for it straight away. Who wouldn't love a cookbook with chapters like "Chocolate", "Comfort Foods", "Sugar, Sugar", "The Salt Fix" and "Desperado Feasts"? I heartily recommend this. All recipes also come with a "piggie rating". Stainfactor? 6 or so. I don't use it *that* much, but what I've tried, I love. And it's fun just for reading. No pictures though.
Now, head over to Tomatom who thought up this cool idea, and read more about cookbooks!
Stora Kokboken is an excellent source of information. I used it alot as well. Also one can find inspiration and learn from as well.
Somehow my blog put your comment into spam. i've sorted it out now. I'm late on rounding up all the posts but will try to at the weekend. I keep saying it, but work in the enemy of blogging. I've always wanted to visit Sweden. perhaps we'll try next tiime I'm in Europe.
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