I love the idea of holiday cookie swaps - you get together, eat cookies, and share them. Everyone goes home with several different kinds, and only has to bake one. Pretty perfect! I hosted one last year, and knew I definitely wanted to repeat it, so I did. We were five, plus two cookie-happy kids, and had tons of yummy cookies! Lena made Candy Cane Biscotti. Dagmar brought oat flour cookies as well as beautiful snowflake and zoo animal cookies. Emily did a great update on a classic Swedish "peasant-cookie" with almonds, including candied orange peel and dark chocolate. And Christina brought classic pepparkakor as well as delicious buttery shortbread cookies with rosemary. I had made macarons - really quite a botched batch, but filled with Saffron White Chocolate Truffles, they were still a hit! I also had bowls of Peppermint Marshmallows and Caramel Cookie Brittle for everyone to nibble on - both went quickly!

Very interesting range of flavours, shapes and colors. Lucky those sitting around the cookies.
I love those huge snowflakes!
Christina känner jag igen ;O) Funderar mer över er utsikt? Jarlaberg?
Eldstickan - nära! Vikdalen!
God fortsättning!
Hoppas att du haft en underbar jul med allt vad det innebär.
Vilken underbar idé! Snöflingorna är så vackra så jag vet inte vad:)
gott nytt år på dig!
Fina kex ni har gjort! De stora snöflingorna är såå fina. :)
Har du bra recept för glutenfria kex?
Nej, tyvärr - bakar jag glutenfritt brukar jag välja något som är naturligt utan gluten, typ kokoskakor eller något mandelmassebaserat. Macarons är ju bra också förstås. Men jag vet ingenting om olika ersättningsmjöl är jag rädd.
Great idea. I have heard people doing it before but have never done it myself. Maybe one day. I do love the recipe swap though:)
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