Even though I've made marshmallows, I remembered it as being a bit difficult. Stupid me. It isn't. At all. Anyone can do it! (If you have a decent stand mixer, that is.)
I wanted to try making these minty, and since I'm recently addicted to Bath & Bodyworks Twisted Peppermint scent, I thought I'd combine vanilla and peppermint extract. Delicious!
Vanilla Peppermint Marshmallows
makes about 80
2 tbsp + 2,5 tsp powdered gelatine
125 ml cold water
125 ml warm water
125 ml white baking syrup (or corn syrup)
500 ml sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 egg whites
1 vanilla bean
1/2 - 1 tbsp peppermint extract
red food coloring
200 ml powdered sugar
Prepare a tin - mine was about 24*30 cm - by greasing it with oil and sifting a thick layer of powdered sugar to cover the bottom and sides of the pan.
Pour the cold water in the bowl of your mixer, and sprinkle in the gelatine powder.
Mix warm water, white baking syrup, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Boil until the syrup is 116°C. Pour it over the gelatine (it's gping to bubble fiercely) and stir until combined. Beat the mixture on high speed until it's really thick, white and shiny. (5-6 minutes.)
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix those, the peppermint, a tiny bit of red food coloring and the seeds from the vanilla bean, into the marshmallow batter. Whisk until combined. Pour the batter into the prepared tin. Make a swirly pattern on top if you'd like - just take some red food coloring on a toothpick and randomly swirl it through the pan. Sift an even layer of powdered sugar on top, and place the tin in the fridge for at least three hours.
Next, turn the marshmallow slab out onto a cutting board. Cut into large dice, and sift more powdered sugar so that every side is covered - if not, it will be very messy.
When you're done, keep at room temperature, in an air-tight jar.

Recipe in Swedish:
1 comment:
I dont evenhave a hand mixer right now! cry, these are such a lovely gift. Nice packaging.
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