Monday, November 21, 2011

Apple Cake


Per and Titus baked a cake yesterday - isn't it lovely? It's a classic Swedish sockerkaka (much like a pound cake), with apples and cinnamon. He added a little lemon zest as well, and topped the whole thing with pearl sugar. It was delicious, and they seemed to have a lot of fun making it. I'm glad that Titus learns that mom is not the only one to cook and bake in this family.


Nicole Gamble said...

The apple cake is my family favourite!

Lena said...

Å ja den var verkligen jättegod. Nom nom, skulle gärna haft en bit nu...

Sara said...

Any chance of a recipe? Pretty please? :)

Anne said...

Sorry Sara, I don't know what recipe he used. I'll take note, next time. :)

Shaheen said...

It looks lovely. I'm making an apple cake today too.

Recetas al instante said...

I love apple cake and this one looks great.