I love new cookbooks, and I'm especially excited when fellow food bloggers publish books! The latest one in this genre is Gott att ge bort ("Good to give away") by the sweet Linnéa Seidel who blogs at Linneás Skafferi. She's young, but this is actually not her first book - she's done a whole series of books that were sold with one of Swedish newspapers, a few years ago. The photos for those books, as well as this one, are taken by Katja Kristoferson who happens to be a friend of my sister's. It's a small world!
This book is all about edible gifts - small things you can make to bring with you in lieu of flowers, or chocolate. It's much more fun - and much more personal. The book has a wide range of recipes - cookies, flavored sugars, jams and pesto, and even homemade cookie mixes in a jar. There are plenty of packaging ideas as well!
Linnéa and her boyfriend Sebbe just became parents (yeeeeay, congratulations!), and to celebrate that, and to celebrate the book, I'm giving away five copies. To win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, telling me what your favorite edible gift is. Make sure you leave your e-mail address, so I can contact you if you win. The book is in Swedish, but I don't mind shipping internationally if you live elsewhere.
A big thanks to Bonnier Fakta publishing, for providing the books. Giveaway closes on Friday, July 1.
Favourite give-away is good chocolate but a nice handmade/rare relish or marmalade is also on the list.
i love handmade jam or elderflower syrup. det skulle vara så himla fint att vinna en svensk kokbok :)
Jag brukar göra olika sorters marmelader till jul.
Enkelt och uppskattat.
Favoritmarmeladerna är "Päronmarmelad med saffran och chili" och "Fikonmarmelad med blodapelsin".
My favourite handmade gift is a glass jar of muffin mix, in pretty layers, that just needs stirring with the addition of an egg and some milk to make the batter. Tied round with ribbon at the top of the jar, of course, and with instructions for making the muffins on a luggage tag!
Im not the best one to make stuff to give away, but I made a decent Faked Savaräng (dont know the enligsh word for that) and an excellent icechocolate with crisps and dark chocolate.
Min favoritgåva är hemgjort aprikosknäcke med egengjort smör och färskost. Jag har världens bästa knäckerecept!
Min favoritt må være Lemon Curd. Derfor blir det mitt forslag.
Boken ser superfin ut. Kunne trengt noen nye idéer etterhvert. :D
Jag är lat och kör en ask Alladin rakt av. Funkar i alla lägen och alla har sin egna favoritpralin!
Jag är svensk som bor i England och jag bakar gärna så jag tar ofta med mig svenska godsaker när jag går bort. Det blir oftast gamla favoriter som min Mormor bakade när jag var liten. Men det som uppskatta mest är nog kanelbullen, traditionell eller med olika fyllningar. Pärlsocker finns alltid i resväskan hem ifrån Sverige!
I love cookbooks, both old and new but esp new as I enjoy smelling the newly opened pages : ))
I enjoy giving away caramelised grapefruit rind, done in two ways: either rolled in a mixture of sugar, salt and dried chilis or dipped in chocolate. Yummy!
I hope I get to win this cookbook! Many thanks
How generous!
The best edible gift must be jam! My aunt makes the most precious nectarine and vanilla jam. It's crazy!
Good luck everyone!
I am always in the very last minute for presents and would show up with a bottle of wine from my own shelf and some bread from our local bakery. So thats possible why i NEED this book!
Torkade trattkantareller, vad nu det kan heta på engelska...
Jag ger gärna bort ett bröd och någon marmelad (plommonmarmelad med valnötter och vanilj t.ex. Söt och smakrik och funkar bra med lagrad ost).
Always something sweet...and usually something seasonal: Hot Cross Buns at Easter; Peppermint/white chocolate bark, fruit mince or pepperkakor at Christmas; strawberry/rhubarb jam at Midsommer; or something baked...apricot bread, macarons, almond bread.Yum! There is nothing more special and personal than a homemade gift! Kate :)
My favourite give-away is my homemade sourdough-laveder bread. It's amazing. Best if it also comes with a jar of homemade jam made with something homegrown (I steal plums and rhubarb from my parents garden!). Everything organic of course! :)
My favourite edible gift is something local from the person giving, that is much more interesting than chocolate. So local wine, rapeseed oil from österlen, homemade jam from homegrown berries... That sort of thing!
Homemade jam, lemon curd, orange curd, bread/cookie mix to name a few lovely edible give aways!
Home-made jam & cookies are always a hit, as well as savoury preserves (chantarelles in white wine marinade; wild garlic pesto etc).
Every year we make a big batch of elderberry lemonade (fläderblomssaft) and we filled it up in pretty bottles. Perfect to give away when we're invited over for example on a summer barbecue.
There's nothing like ice cold elderberry lemonade on a hot summers day. :)
This sounds like an incredibly novel gift to give someone. bannu
Hej Anne!
I love making edible gifts for my friends. For Christmas, I like making cookies, biscotti and also sugared nuts which are always a big hit. However, the best edible gift I could ever give my friends (in their words) is a jar of home-made dulce de leche (made with real milk, not with condensed milk!). They love it at any time of the year, not just for Christmas! :)
sorry, I forgot to leave my email address here gaviota_uk2@yahoo.co.uk
Vi ses!
Gabriela :)
biscotti or cantucci in a nice glass jar especially around Christmas time
Hej Anne, vad kul, tack! Min favoritgåva, hmmm, svår fråga ;-) Chokladkakor eller marmelad eller ett riktigt gott bröd (t.ex. olivbröd), svenska eller norska julkakor, ...
That seems to be a must-have book (and an excellent reason to polish of my swedish).
My favourite (home-made) give-away is marmelade or jam. Each summer I make a batch of rhubarb/strawberry jam, pack in small (2dl) jars, and save them for presents in the fall.
However, when making presents for children, I usually make a cookie shaped as the first letter in their name. Personal and tasty.
--Clara (chaos[at]diku.dk)
I love to give candy in all shapes! Homemade of course!
Elderflower cordial or a lovely sourdough loaf.
I like to give away some home made liquoir in small bottles and also cookies :D And wallets! hahaha
If I´d be the lucky one, I´d give this book as a present to my Aunt Lilian, who lives in Sweden. This book is such a positive beautiful funny joyous (not to mention tasty:) one, so I am sure, it would make her happy :D
Thank you for this possibility. Probably my fave edible gift would be truffle, the real stuff :)
My favourite edible to give is Candied Meyer lemon slices (from my own tree) that I dip in very dark 86% chocolate and sprinkle with espresso infused fleur de sel.
My favorite to receive is home baked bread, any bread! I don't bake bread and I think those who master it are very special. Really though any food gift made by the giver is the best gift as it's main ingredient is love.
This book looks very sweet and the photagraphy is wonderful!
I love giving away my home made apple jelly made with apples from our garden
ennie meanie miney moe.....If I have to choose one....I would say...Jam...or cookies...ummm, maybe Apple Cider....YES!! I love to rec'v Homemade Apple Cider..or cake pops :)
My favorite give-away is home-made jam in small glass. I normally make jam in connection with Christmas, where I made one big portion of "my" blackberry jam with vanilla and cognac for all Christmas events.
Cordial is another give-away, which I have started recently to do as well. But NOT the elder flower cordial, which I like toooo much myself
I also really like to receive home-made jam or cordial as hostess gift myself.
my favorite edible gift is always chocolate...or wine if that counts?
Let's see! My favorite handmade *food* item would have to be any sort of carbohydrate (handmade rolls, buns, loaves, or seasonal pastry dish) but I've secretly always hoped somebody would give me a homemade jam, especially a jam that I couldn't find in a store or that wasn't local to my area. Also, and this might sound really weird, but I've always wanted to get a basket or jar of hand picked and dried mushrooms. :)
-Lizzy (egilbert9@gmail.com)
Around Christmas, my family makes pretzel wreathes with white chocolate and pretzels, with ribbon strung through them so they can be decorative and edible.
Chokladpraliner av alla slag!
Nästan alla älskar choklad, de går att variera i all evighet och går att slå in på hur många roliga sätt som helst, så de är den perfekta gå bort-presenten tycker jag! :)
En korg med ost, oliver, kex, tapernade och lite andra italienska delikatesser är det bästa som finns tillsammans med en flaska gott vin och en bit mörk choklad! En present som funkar till de flesta.
Eller en burk hemhjord whiskymarmelad såklar! ;)
Wow! I love the idea of this kind of cookbook! I always give edible gifts. Here are some of my favorites:
-anise and almond biscotti dipped in chocolate (to my Italian grandmother)
- macarons (to fancy pants girlfriends)
- peppermint bark and chocolate-covered toffee bits (at christmas)
YUM! hope i win :) haha
Eftersom jag bor i Holland där dom älskar sina smörgåsar så tar jag ofta med en liten Smörgåstårta - helsvenskt, originellt och vackert och alltid väldigt uppskattat.
mmm hard to tell but I guess red wine would be high on my list.
Hemgjort chokladkola snyggt förpackad och kan smaksättas efter tillfälle/person
My favourite edible gift is an unusual marmalade
I love baking home-made chocolate chip cookies as gifts. :)
Always a hit!
Hemmagjorda cupcakes med glasyr och strössel i mixade färger går alltid hem!
my favourite edible gift would be homemade pesto. i love pesto, but only homemade is really good. i love to make it myself and give away, and i love to get it as a present.
and, even if it doesn't add to my chances of winning, my favourite drinkable gift is homemade liqueur. even with this it's give and take - i love to make it myself and give away, and i also love to get it as a present.
My favorite gift to make is brittle or cookies. Cee
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
I love baking so it's gotta be cookies in a pretty jar with a ribbon around it.
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