Friday, March 18, 2011

Titus cooked lunch!


Recently, Titus has started to move his chair over to the kitchen counter, so he can play with the kitchen tools, and reach things. I thought this meant it was time to let him cook, so today, he helped make a farmer's omelette with potatoes, onions, bellpepper, mushrooms and cheese. He cracked the eggs, whisked them with a pinch of salt and some water, poured it into the pan and sprinkled the cheese. Pretty darned good for a not-even-two-year-old boy, right?!

He also helped clean up, and wiped down the counter. Good boy.


And as a bonus, he loved eating what he cooked.


Snowwhite said...

Oh look how sweet he is!
By the way, Anne, I really like your blog! I was looking for a recipe for oatmeal cookis recently - that's how I came across. And I'm really glad I did :-).

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

well done, Titus!

alissa said...

So cute! I'd be entirely shocked if he wasn't interested in food and cooking given your his mum :) Probably only 5 more years until he is making you breakfast in bed!

debbie koenig said...

Awesome! And he's crazy cute, too.

Anonymous said...

That is so very cute!!! Way to go Chef Titus:)
Blessings, Aimee

Dagmar said...

Well done Chef Titus!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Alldeles rätt de klarar så mycket i köket och tycker att det är roligt! Våra barn bakade på förskolan från 1 års ålder, helt otroligt att se. Och nu talar vi från scratch jäst, salt osv...