Ok, the final part of our New York trip! This post has a LOT of photos, which will largely speak for themselves.
We had lunch at the very aptly named Excellent Dumpling House in Chinatown (On Lafayette, near Canal St). I had Shanghai style noodles, which were great.
Dagmar had some sort of dish that was supposedly really spicy, but in reality just a bit sweet and not hot at all. Weird.
We then headed to Doughnut Plant, which is nothing less than fabulous. We bought pretty much one of everything - well, almost - and then headed to a nearby park to devour them.
It was pretty cold and chilly, but that was fine. This is Dagmar, taking her first bite.
My absolute favorite was the Crème Brûlée. It has a vanilla pastry cream filling and burnt sugar on top. The only fault with it is that it's too small. And that I don't know how to recreate it at home. If you do, please tell me
The coconut cream filled was also very good.
And the plain one. And all of them.
After all those doughnuts, we still wanted dinner. So we went to Dos Caminos. After frozen margaritas - very strong ones, and tasted of no alcohol whatsoever, very dangerous - we ordered a double batch of the best guacamole I've ever had. Luckily it's easy to find the recipe online, and I've already made it twice. Not as good - mostly because you can't find the same style of tortilla chips here (only thick ones, and I prefer the slightly crisper, thinner ones...) but still very good. My own adapted recipe will come once I've made it a few more times!
My entrée was ok but nothing more - it was a flank steak and I thought it was a bit overpriced.
At least compared to the wondrous side dish called Mexican Street Corn. I could have ate nothing but this (and the guac) and still have been very, very, very happy. Absolutely delicious. (It's essentially grilled corn, slathered in crema (or mayo?), and topped with mexican cheese (I bet parmesan would work) and cayenne pepper. And lime. Oh. Please eat it if you come across it. It's great.
And that concludes our New York trip! We had a great time, ate well, and shopped exactly the right amount of stuff for ALL of our bags to weigh in at an even 50 pounds, which was the limit.
Happy you enjoyed your trip! I think your creme brulee doughnut is a New York invention. I'm from Louisiana and have never heard of anything creme brulee with a vanilla filling, so think you can duplicate this however you like.
överaskande nog så är eldorados tortilla chips tunnare och krispigare än de övriga märkens, testa dem, faktiskt riktigt goda, men det måste vara de trekantiga, ej de runda/ sofie
Kittie - I have to experiment! Doughnuts is not my forte, I don't think I've ever made them, but how hard can it be? :)
Sofie, vilket bra tips - får prova det :)
Those are really big doughnuts! :D
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