I recently got invited to a very nice press lunch with Turntable Chardonnay, at F12 restaurant. The wine was good, but the food was amazing - a special-composed menu to match the wine.
First, a take on Vitello Tonnato with veal and raw tuna. It also had truffle mayonnaise, capers, grapefruit and licorice jelly.
Next course was pike-perch with a dusting of curry, and edamame beans. The green sauce is an edamame purée, the other sauce was buttery and almost caramel in flavor. This was served with a potato purée.
And finally Brillat-Savarin cheese, with roasted macadamia nuts and an apple jelly.
An, I so hope you did not to pay for what they put in your plate.
Shees! Dish decorators. :(
Min aptit har varit lite dålig sen igår, men ojoj, nu satt den igång. Tack!
Yummy - What more can one say?
Licorice? Lakrits?
Oväntat, jag kan inte inbilla mig hur det smakar ihop.
Jag önskar jag hade råd att äta sådan mat oftare (än en gg var 3:e år).
Mat av superproffs ger så många nya tankar.
Pipopp - ja, det var små tärningar lakritsgelé. Väldigt lite, och ganska diskret men det funkade faktiskt bra ihop. Det är extra roligt med lyxmat när man blir bjuden :)
Inneed to be a Swedish blogger to get these invites. CS loves this place when in Stockholm.
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