Meet my new kitchen buddy! 24 cm, 4.2 liters and bright orange. I got it from
Adde Lundbergs, where it was definitely the cheapest I've seen it, and with free shipping. I placed the order on Wednesday evening and got it on Friday - highly recommended!
And friend it is!! I have another kind of pot, of course it is french. I ordered it from hemmakocken.nu. They have free delivery too.
Just lovely!! Congrats on the happy addition :O)
What will you make to christen the new beauty?!?!?
Embarrassingl, just used it to boil potatoes.. it needs a real christening, though! I'll think of something next week. Yours was definitely a great choice :)
Åååh... En sån vän vill jag också ha! Långt till födelsedan, dessvärre.
I also just got a dutch oven- but I got a STAUB. THe STAUB's are WONDERFUL.
It braises REALLY well. I have made coq au vin so many times now. I love the Staub's top that self bastes.
Ooo, pretty! I have a ginormous one and a medium one, both in blue, and they get used weekly--the smaller one even more often. Enjoy!
I just used mine to make a batch of lavender caramel. For candymaking, you can't really improve on the enamel surface.
Our Dutch oven is over fifteen years old and still being used almost daily. We have the smaller one as well, but the large pot is really the most used item in the kitchen.
How exciting. I hope you have wonderful fun creating dishes with it.
Jag fick pengar av arbetskamraterna när jag fyllde 40 i höstas och det gick till en Le Creuset, som jag verkligen älskar.
Well, I don't have that exact pot, but a similar one and I love it! You'll going to have such fun using it!
I use mine to make a casserole with sliced potatoes on top, leave it for a loooong slow cook and come home to a ready to serve all in one meal. I have an oval shallow one that is brilliant for roast veg. Have fun with yours!
I know, I know. Love mine. My sister has one too, also from her wedding registry (and bascially because I told her it is a MUST HAVE). You might also keep your eyes out for Staub--it's basically the same thing (though not always enameled inside, depends on the brand). I have found a lot of great online deals for Staub here in the US; maybe Sweden will have some too.
Åh, lyllos dig!
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