First recipe of the new year is for something light. This is a delicious little sauce, or dressing, that I happened upon a few weeks ago. We ate it with seared salmon and a salad from risoni (rice-shaped pasta) , avocado and tomatoes. Delicious!
Orange-Basil Dressing
(printable recipe)
1 bunch basil
1 orange, squeezed
100 ml crème fraîche
salt, pepper (possibly a bit vinegar, too.)
So simple. Get your handheld blender, or a regular blender (or food processor) and mix the orange and basil until smooth. Add the crème fraîche, mix again, and season. Mix just before serving to make it airy and frothy.
Recipe in Swedish:
You have great blogs. Your boy is adorable. :)
This is a nice color for a dressing! I like it! I hope i can make some and get the color I want.
Sounds really tasty! I've just added it to my recipe database :)
Do you think it would be the same if I used regular cream instead of crème fraiche? Or yoghurt, maybe?
Valeria -maybe a mix? Half cream, half yogurt? Or sour cream?
A mix would be interesting! Either way, I'll try it really soon :) But... I thought crème fraiche *was* sour cream.
Anyway, my grocery store has it sometimes, only we never buy it. But I could make an exception if the recipe really needed it :)
Our creme fraiche is much more fat than our sour cream - 34% versus 12%, usually! So, it'll make the texture a bit different, but I still think it'll turn out delicious :)
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