Cookies is a favorite for the holidays - or really, at any time of the year. I like baking cookies, and I especially like having a stash in the freezer for unexpected company. I'm happy to bake larger, American-style cookies as well as Swedish classics which are almost always smaller and crisper, but I find that the styles are melding a bit as time goes by.
In Claes Karlsson's Kakfrossa ("Cookie Gluttony", loosely translated), you'll find tons of classic cookies with a twist. The layout is also very pretty and with great photos - I like this book a lot. Some recipes I plan to try out soon are almond cookies rolled in cardamom sugar, shortbread thumbprint cookies with cloudberry jam, and mini meringue cookies with toasted walnuts.
The next cookie book isn't so much about recipes as it is about decorating. It's a follow-up to Cookie Craft, which I've written about before - and it's called Cookie Craft Christmas. The authors, Valerie Peterson and Janice Fryer (website here), have done a very nice job collecting loads of different designs suitable for christmas cookies - anything from ornaments (using a simple round cookie cutter) to 3D-christmas trees, and intricately designed partridges. Very cute! I'm aching to host a cookie decorating party with all these ideas!
Hej Anne
Claes jobbar nu för tiden inom flyger vet jag, man han bakar på i allafall det är kul att se. Träffade fotografen för denna bok för någon vecka sedan hon verkade mycket trevlig och duktig.
Ha det så bra mvh Daniel
I hope you'll share some of your baking successes with Kakfrossa! It sounds great; you don't happen to know if it's been translated into English, do you?
Hej Daniel, hoppas det betyder att du är på gång med en bok du med :) Fotona i den här var verkligen jättefina! Tror Claes har jobbat med nån annan till sina tidigare böcker, också bra.
D - sorry, it hasn't. It just came out in Swedish, and most Swedish publishing houses never translate into any other languages. Which is really too bad. :(
Hi, Anne! Thanks for blogging Cookie Craft Christmas! I have relations in Sweden (a little fishing town called Traslovslage, in Southern Sweden), and a friend in Stockholm, so it's great to see the book on a Swedish blog! --Valerie Peterson
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