I bake most of my own bread at the moment, but that certainly isn't always the case. I'm glad that we have so much store-bought bread to choose from, and that it's becoming better and better. Just out (in stores from Monday) is the new Frökusar from Fazer - a dark bread with rye, spelt wheat, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and linseed that's both tasty and good for you. (And no scary ingredients!)
I'm partnering up with Fazer for a competition - you can enter by composing a superfood sandwich, and sending a photo plus description to contest@annesfood.com
The first prize is a half-year supply (coupons for 52 packets) of this bread! The first and second runner-up will get 26 packets! And since this is pretty Sweden-specific, one winner outside of Sweden will get a wonderful book about Swedish bread, cookies and baking: In Grandma's Arbor by my friend Kinna Jonsson.
(When you enter, tell me if you want to go for the bread, or for the book.)
The contest is open until October 21, so you have three weeks to come up with a great idea. Any photos might be published on this blog.
What's superfood? Well, that's up to you. The general idea, according to Wikipedia, is that it's a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that may confer health benefits as a result. But I'll leave the definition to you - if you feel that your sandwich is superfood and can argue for that, that's fine.
Personally, I feel that the sandwich above - my lunch - was pretty super! It had cream cheese (which is pretty low in fat, compared to butter. Avocado, which contains lots of good fats. Red pepper, which is high in phytochemicals (anti-oxidants, really). And if I had planned ahead, I would have added some crumbled bacon, which as we all know, is superfood for the soul.
How is that bread? I fondled it in the store yesterday, but noticed the white flour. Why can't they make 100% whole grain breads here that aren't dense as a rock or laden with "sirap"?
I make "super" sandwiches for my child all the time. My favorite bread is Ezekiel, but it's not available over here. I like to put natural peanut butter that I've mixed with hemp or flax seed oil and vanilla powder (not sugar) and sliced fresh berries.
Another favorite is hummus, crisp lettuce, and thinly sliced carrots.
Martha - I actually liked it, more than I had expected to. All the seeds made it more interesting. For healthier, I usually use "rågkusar" but those *are* pretty dense :) I prefer rye over wholegrain wheat though, and that means that there'll never be a very fluffy texture.
Your sandwiches sound great! Take a photo and enter one of them! Or both! :)
Il est génial ce sandwich, j'adore faire des sandwichs bien complets, mes gloutons les adorent
Anne ~ This bread looks beautiful. How lucky that you have it close to hand. I'm trying to make bread more often, too, and while it is not complicated, it is time-consuming. I, therefore, tend only to make it at the weekend.
what a delicious option for a meal, your sandwich looks healthy and delicious, very well done!
cheers from london
Oooh, that looks tasty. I'm actually trying to learn how to bake bread and it is just insane.. and it takes a long time.
It's funny you noted you would like Taco Bell hot sauce, because I throw a ton of those away everytime I get take-out... think they'd confiscate them at customs? :)
Hello from California, USA!
Thank You for recommendation and links. I appreciate it so much! hugh
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