Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cauliflower Pasta with Toasted Bread


Oh, I know - many of you hate cauliflower, and I always get upset e-mails about it. I know. But many of you seem to love it, too, and since I personally enjoy it very much, I'll continue to blog about it every now and then!

This pasta is pretty carb-y - in fact, it's pretty much all carbs! Sometimes, that's just what I'm craving...

Cauliflower Pasta with Toasted Bread
(printable recipe)
Serves 2

200 g spaghetti
200 g cauliflower, small florets
2 slices of white toast
2 tbsp breadcrumbs
2 tbsp olive oil + extra for frying
1 tbsp chili oil

Dice the toast, and fry with the breadcrumbs in some olive oil. Set aside. Boil the cauliflower florets in salted water for 3-4 minutes. They should be soft, but still retain some bite. Drain and set aside.

Boil the pasta in plenty of salted water. Drain, but save some of the cooking water. Toss with the cauliflower, toasted bread and breadcrumbs, chili oil, olive oil and parmesan. Add some of the pasta water to make it saucier, and top with extra parmesan if you'd like.

Recipe in Swedish:
Blomkålspasta med rostat bröd


Jessica said...

Du får upprörda mejl över blomkål?? Folk behöver nåt att göra... Själv klarar jag mig utan blomkål om man nu inte kokar den i massor med grädde, jättenyttigt ;)

Anonymous said...


mina said...

who cares what other people think? if you like cauliflower then post away! by the way, this looks delicious even though i am indifferent to this vegetable. ^^

Amelia s. boston said...

Expand our horizons! Sometime we just need to be exposed to the right recipe to find our new favorite, previously maligned, food.

Lexi said...

I love cauliflower - I love to make Jamie Oliver's cauli risotto which seems to polarise my friends! Thanks for another lovely recipe!

kendall said...

well i love cauliflower - this certainly looks more appealing than the cola soaked ham. really anne, i'm sure the ham tastes great but....... i don't think i can go there