This is just so tasty. I got the idea from Dagmar, and this particular photo is actual from a photo shoot we did (me, Dagmar and Lena) for Tasteline a few months ago. We were asked to create a simple spring menu, and we did this dessert as well as a few other things. (I do have more photos from it, I'll try to remember to post them eventually.) Amyway.
We used frozen raspberries that we thawed in some rhubarb cordial, and then layered with crushed meringues, softly whipped cream and vanilla ice cream. That's all there is to it, but I promise - it's extremely tasty.
It's delicous and so easy to make that we do it quite often. But the best version is when the raspberries have been marinated in cherry cordial :-)YUMMY! :-)
Just gorgeous. And now I have something else to make from the vast pile of rhubarb in my kitchen. :)
Yum, that's pretty close to Eton Mess, a favourite of mine. I love the addition of rhubarb cordial, I'll have to give it a try. Great pics
Om några veckor har ju nästa Harry Potter film premiär, och jag och en kompis ska anordna ett Harry Potter-maraton, där vi ser alla filmer över en natt. Frågan är bara vad vi ska äta, har du några idéer om mat, eller kanske mer snacks, som känns magisk, eller som har Harry Potter-influenser? Tack på förhand!
Alma - vilken kul idé! Jag har inga bra tips, men du får väl bläddra igenom böckerna och leta efter lite klassisk Pottermat. Engelskt är det ju som gäller...
OK, when you say "rhubarb cordial" - for us rookies... what does that mean?
Sort of lik Eton Mess- which I adore. Wouldn't this be pretty on Valentine's Day? I am going to print it out this very minute.
Nikki - rabarbersaft! You can use any concentrated cordial though, or as Dagmar suggests, cherry! If you're at Ica Maxi Nacka, pick up a bottle of cherry syrup, Polish, from the international shelf - that's just divine in this, or on pancakes. :)
Men kära nån, jag har missat att du blivit mamma. Grattis! Jag tänkte kika på matrecept men fastnade hos Titus istället :)
Anna-Eva, tack snälla :)
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