Need dinner in fifteen minutes? Here's an idea. It's the simplest thing really - pasta, bacon, pesto, cream. And some onion, but that's really optional. I like it. And my pesto? Generally comes from a jar. Homemade is better, but is obviously more of an effort.
Creamy Bacon Pesto Pasta
serves 2
200 g pasta of your choice - I like farfalle
140 g bacon, diced
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
100 ml cream - you decide the fat content
100 g pesto
salt, pepper
Boil the pasta in plenty of salted water. Fry the bacon until crispy and towards the end, add the onions and let them fry along for a minute. Add the cream, and simmer on low heat until the pasta is done.
Drain the pasta and stir in the pesto and the bacon-cream mixture. Season with salt and pepper, and serve straight away.
Recipe in Swedish:
Krämig pasta med bacon & pesto
Ottimo questo abbinamento di pesto e pancetta ,lo proverò!
Åhh, det låter jättegott!
Hej Anne - vilken sorts pesto ar det du anvander? Basilika-pesto eller?
Halsningar fran South Carolina, USA!
Lena - för det mesta, men det går bra med vad man vill :)
Wow, that looks great! I love simple recipes like this, I'll have to try this soon.
Om man köper en av de små kartongerna med basilika från Findus så kan man göra sin egen hur fort som helst i mixern, måste vila över natten dock för att mista en del av skärpan från vitlöken.
Mmmmm, this looks sooo much like something that we often make at home - only I add mushrooms instead of the bacon. Great minds think alike!
Tror det skulle passa att ha i nån sorts nöt? Tex jordnöt eller pinje?
Absolut - jordnötter tror jag inte riktigt på men pinje, cashew eller valnötter!
Fantastiskt god Anne. =)
Hade i lite färska champinjoner också. Tack för receptet!
/Xodiac från kattforum.
My friend and I (who are 15) made this for her mother and it was A+ :-) Well done!!!!!
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