Ok, I think this Hello Kitty outfit is among the funniest things I've seen in a long time. I'd love get a kit - not for any of the cats to actually wear, but as a photo prop... however, my googling skills are apparently so-so, and I haven't found any place that actually lets me order. So, dear readers - does anyone know? Maybe some of you are in Japan? If you have any idea where I can get this - please do let me know! In return, I guarantee you super-cute photos eventually!
Klara, in the photo, is now almost ten months old! (Photo is a bit old, though. She's rarely still long enough for photo sessions at the moment.) She's becoming quite a teenager. Her eyes are now almost completely green, and she always sleeps in our bed. I don't regret keeping her one bit!
Tydligen finns det bara 90 stycken, så det kanske är svårt att få tag i. Lite läskitgt tyckte jag nog det såg ut ändå :)
Skulle ju skicka med en länk också http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&langpair=ja%7Cen&u=http://item.rakuten.co.jp/takuhai/hkcp/
Om du kan få ner det lite mer så kan jag leta. Ser att du har fått trollet efter dig. Fick jag också. 97 "kommentarer" fördelade över två dagar.
De gjordes utan licens från sanrio som gör alla lagliga Hello Kitty. Och som Michael nämnde fanns det 90 stycken 2007. Dessvärre lär du bli utan Hello Kitty öron till katterna :).
Haha, vad duktiga ni är!! Men nä, det ser nog lite mörkt ut då... :)
Jessika - jag får kinesisk spam lite då och då, med några månaders mellanrum. Inte mycket att göra, annat än att ta bort så fort man kan...
Hi!I found those on RAKUTEN h.p. It cost you 18,000Japanese Yen of a set(include cap,ribbon,bag).Please check it up.
Like the previous poster said, you can get the set for 18,900 yen... almost 200USD... not sure what that is in Euros.
Here's the link.
I'm in Japan. I'll let you know if I see anything cheaper around!
Ooh! That's pretty expensive, but no wonder if there's only 90 of them, I suppose. Still, a bit more than I'm prepared to pay! But you guys are the best, I'd never have found it myself :)
I felt very accomplished when I found and translated the page...I guess I probably should have read the comments *first*.
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