Another super-improvised dish for which I can't remember exactly what I did. I'm sure it was something like this:
Fry a bunch of sliced mushrooms. Set aside. Fry thin slices of pork tenderloin until lightly browned, and combine with the mushrooms. Add a carton (250 ml) of single cream (or go for full-fat if you're in the mood) and any flavorings you might think of - say, some minced garlic, a few spoonfuls of barbecue sauce, maybe some soy sauce... And serve with rice, and a nice salad. Nothing complicated about it - just quick and easy food that'll do you good.
I like those - so kill me - pre-packaged spice mixes (arla skogssvampspanna), that comes with everything but the meat. You can combine them with pretty much anything.
i love meals like this, so simple and so easy. some sour cream would be nice in this.
Looks delicious!
I agree with the sour cream suggestion as that would add a wonderful texture to the sauce.
You could totally use sour cream instead of cream, if you like that. I personally think it usually gives a slightly grainy texture that I have a big problem with, but it probably depends on the sour cream. Swedish sour cream is *not* the same as the one sold in US though. :)
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