Oh, isn't it nice to do something nice and have something nice at the same time? I was recently introduced to the chocolate brand Organic Meltdown, which in addition to the usual claims of being organic and also fair trade has an unusual twist: in each package is a code, and if you go to their website, you can register the code and the company will save one tropical forest tree. Not too shabby!
And how's the chocolate? Per loved the one with rooibos & raspberry. I liked the milk chocolate. The spiced dark chocolate - well, I think I'll put that in some cookies, because the indian spices are quite intense on their own.
That sounds delicious! Where did you buy them, or did you get them for free? :)
Gratis choklad... det är farligt!
Very cool ... it is great to see so many companies going green.
Rebecca, they're distributed by ScandChoco and I met them at Formex. Speaking of free chocolate - I got about ten bars from Green&Blacks yesterday - now that *is* dangerous!
Alisa - it is, and I love seeing that some are also a bit creative with it! :)
(Okej, jag skriver väl på engelska dårå för att inte vara elak mot de engelskspråkiga läsarna ;)...)
Taht sounds like something I'd like to taste! Yesterday I discovered small 50 gram bars of Fair Trade chocolate, botj milk and dark, från Anton berg. I have only tasted the milk chocolate so far, but it was quite good.
And I also must recommend ICA's own brand (not a big fan if the store'se own brands, bit there are allways exceptions). Their 70% Fair trade preuan chocolate tastes good and it´s great for baking too, since it is fairly cheap (about 19 kronorif my memory doesn't fail me).
I'll look out for the roiboos and raspberry variant, becaus it sound delicious!
This chocolate is pretty cool. My French supermarket is starting to sell organic and special chocolates like this, some in unusual flavors, but I haven't tried any yet. What fun!
great that you like Organic Meltdown. If you would like to buy some more I know that you can buy them at www.godasaker.se
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