Thursday, January 01, 2009

Yep, a little Chef is on the way...

Baby Chef, 14 weeks

Most of you figured out my not-so-subtle hint yesterday. Yes, I do indeed have a "bun in the oven"! It's really very, very, very exciting, and feels very weird at the same time. Some of you might have noticed that I've posted a bit less, and definitely fewer recipes, and this is the reason. I have felt very uninspired to cook, and while I've been lucky enough not to have had any morning sickness (or anytime-of-the-day-sickness, really) I haven't been eating a whole lot, either. No cravings, as far as I can tell...

The baby is due in mid-May (actually, the tentative date is the same as my own birthday, May 21, but I'm sure it'll be any other day) so I'm about halfway there. So far, it's been really easy, except for a lot of hormonal roller-coaster mood-shifting - let's hope it stays as easy as this!

Anyway - I probably won't post a whole lot about this, but I really wanted to share with all my friends out there, across the world. Many hugs!


Amy said...

So next summer can we look forward to Saturday cat pictures and Sunday baby pictures? Congratulations!

Rebecca said...


glamah16 said...

What great news for the New Year! Congrats and take care of yourself.

matli said...

Jättekul! Grattis!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I am so bad at hints! A big congratulations to you! Yeah, I am also looking forward to Sunday baby pics... :)

Tess said...

Congratulations, Anne!
(Terresa from MUA)

Nenyaki : ) said...


Anonymous said...

Grattis! :)

TeachMom said...

Congrats! Very subtle hint. I wondered when I saw the bun. :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne - congratulations and keep well! I wish you all the very best during the pregnancy and forever after!


Jessica said...

Congrats again!!

BC said...

That is wonderful news, thank you for sharing is with us! Take care and big hug.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Anne!
Great news to look forward to the new year!

JohnK said...

Great news (heart) - I think May 16.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Anne!

amreta said...

Anne dear!!! Congratulations!!! What an exciting news for the new year. Wishing all goes well and hope to meet the baby chef when I come to Sweden again! :o) Lotsa (((hugz)))

Melody said...

Congratulations! 2009 will be an exciting year for you.

Cate said...

What wonderful news! I hope you have an easy pregnancy, and if you have any US cravings, please let us know so we can help out. I have enjoyed your blog and cats so much that I'd love a chance to help you out in return. Congratulations to you both!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I so didn't get the hint yesterday but I guess new years eve isn't the smartest day of the year ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations!

David T. Macknet said...

Congratulations to you! And a happy new year!

Jelly said...


Pim said...

Congratulations Anne!

Karen Baking Soda said...

Congratulations Anne! Thanks for sharing this wonderful news!

nico said...


Anonymous said...


AstridVU said...

Congratz Anne!!! :) So happy for you, you are in for so much fun and happy moments :) Wish you all the best for 2009!

A hug from Norway :)

Karin said...

Congratulations to the best bun you will ever have in your oven!

Anonymous said...

Grattis! :-)

Anonymous said...

Silvia & Roberto (Italy)

Anonymous said...

This is great news Anne! I'm really happy for you and wish you all the best.

Kevin said...


Nikki said...

Oh my gosh... I'M SO DENSE!!! Of COURSE! A bun in the oven! I thought it was a bit weird 'cause you normally have some gorgeous photos. I just didn't get it.

Neat!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! To you BOTH!

Adi said...

My very best wishes for you and your little baby.

Felicidades desde España.

Giulia said...

Congratulations! Auguri!
xoxo, Susan & la Julie

Viktoria said...


(Min son kom på min trettioettårsdag och jag har nog aldrig blivit så födelsedagsfirad tidigare - rekommenderas!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is great news! Thanks for sharing and take care of the two of you...

Colours and Textures said...

What lovely news! I wish you both all the best.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations; this will be a terrific year for you. If it's going to be your firstborn it's very exciting and feels like one great miracle. Wishing you all the best and a terrific time.

Susan @ My Wholefood Family Essentials said...

Congratulations Anne! I'm due 22 April. It's so exciting!

Sarah said...

Congratulations, that's such wonderful news! I hope to conceive a little chef soon too. I hope you continue to avoid morning sickness.

annamaria said...

Men åh Anne vad roligt! Jättegrattis!!! Usch jag vet precis hur det är - laga mat var för mig en pina, hungrig jämt men utan aptit. Kunde knappt läsa kokböcker och då är det illa! Men det är värt allt det - när den lille/lilla tittar ut så smakar kaffet normalt igen och himmel so gosigt. Kramizzzar från mig!!

Annika said...

Stort grattis från mig! Du har något alldeles fantastiskt framför dig!!! Blir nästan lite avundsjuk; själv har jag gjort mitt på den fronten, visserligen hela fyra gånger - men ändå...det är lika magiskt varje gång.

Goody said...

Congratulations. That's so exciting.

Brandy said...


Anonymous said...

GRATTIS Anne! Vad roligt att höra!! Är själv gravid i 39:e veckan och hoppas på att lillkillen i magen är nyfiken nog på sin nya värld för att kika ut allra snarast. Jag har liksom du, ett stort matintresse, men med graviditeten försvann en stor del av intresset. Intresset återkommer säkert i sinom tid, kroppen säger väl åt en på något sätt vad man ska fokusera på. Sköt om dig och njut av det lilla livet i magen!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Wow congratulations! I came on the site looking for would be obvious... and here I get this news! All the best!

Suleman said...

many many congratulations !!!

Anonymous said...

My sincere congratulations Anne!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Anne. And I hope the baby has red hair like you. Eat well & drink plenty of water. And are you knitting baby clothes?

Tiina said...


Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Congratulations Anne!!!! 2009 will be a very good year!!!!
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons bring
the best to you and yours!

eatswedishfish said...

Some of us are a little dense (me)!


Anonymous said...

just came here for the first time and wow! big news! congratulations! happy new year!

Lexi said...


lina said...

Stort grattis!!! Njut av den här tiden allt vad du kan!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Anne! :D

Unknown said...

Congratulations Anne! What wonderful news for you and your husband.

I predict some cravings will arrive shortly.. :)

Anonymous said...

Jättegrattis till er båda (eller alla tre)!

Jag anade kanske något i förra inlägget men vågar aldrig gissa då jag allt som oftast har fel... ;)

ptasia said...

Congrats! I wouldn't have guessed from the oven pic ;)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! that's really wonderful news...

dp said...

Goodness! I've only been away for a couple of weeks and you got pregnant :-)

Congratulations! What an exciting time!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both!

Any special theme and letter for names? :)

A-K Roth

Stella Bella said...

Congrats! :D

Zarah Maria said...

Oh my goodness Anne! I'm late to the party, but a no less heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to you and Per!

görel said...

Stort grattis och lycka till!

Anonymous said...

Oh congratulations Anne! What a wonderful surprise :D And an update: my now 7-year-old still likes your Nutella cake ;D

Xtian said...

Hela Redaktionen sänder sina varmaste gratulationer!

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor last night that Pille is expecting a "little foodie" in March.

Anne said...

Pene, that's totally right :) She is! :)