The car-kittens, as I call them, are now three weeks old and absolutely adorable. Four of them are already booked to new homes, which feels wonderful, and I hope we'll find worthy homes for the other two as well. We still have at least nine weeks to go, so it shouldn't be a problem! Not when they're as cute and lovable as this...
British Shorthairs are so plush and fluffy as kittens - really like tiny teddybears. Well, they stay that way, too, mostly. :)
Smokey Lamborghini, black smoke (for sale!)
Silver Lexus, silver classic tabby
Brown Land Rover, brown spotted tabby
Brown Lancia, brown spotted tabby (and the only girl!)
Black Lincoln, black (for sale!)
Black Lotus, black
The rest of the photos are on Flickr, here.
Watch out tomorrow - I have a really exciting giveaway for the first week of December!
They are gorgeous!!!
OMG, the last one looks just like Shrek's Puss n Boots!! XD
Uhm, if I may ask.. Is it by chance that the two still for sale are both black? Just curious... Here in Italy we're rather superstitious ^^
Well yeah and I'm still allergic... ;)
Getting a chinchilla.
Dagmar, aren't they? :)
Valeria, oh, not at all :) (And Lamborghini is actually smoke, rather than black.) But the tabbies look more striking at this age, I think - like little tigers. They catch the eye in another way, so they're usually booked first. Lots of people like black though, there's very little superstition here :)
Jessika, oh, I know. That truly sucks.
Adorable! Jessika. There is a vaccin!!! It works!!!!
Sooooooooo cuuuuuute!!!!
They are too precious for words!
They are so beautiful! I really wish I could adopt some of them. I love the Smokey one!
Sjukt söta
They are the cutest little critters I have ever seen. Lancia is so adorable.. that picture needs to become a postcard.
I think I just died and went to kitty heaven! PRECIOUS!
Men snä är så söta så jag blir sjuk. Men min kära make tycker det räcker med en katt, snyft.
Men Anna-Eva, de har så mycket roligare när de är två :) (Eller fem...)
Ta den ena, om du har plats! :)
Love your nail polish color!! Very cool. Cute kitties, too, of course. :)
Nikki, that's actually my cousin! :) I'm behind the camera on these.
Hi, you have the most beautiful cats I think I have ever seen. So cute, and Kelly's eyes are a stunning color. Thank you for sharing!
Oh, look at the expression in that last photo!! Too much! THanks for sharing these gorgeous pics :)
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