Thursday, November 13, 2008

We won!!

I can hardly believe it, but we won!!


Angelica said...

Congratulations!!! You three deserved it!

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you.
Well done!!! If the photo is anything to go by, I think I know why you won.

dp said...

Well, that calls for a big congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've been looking for a good chilli recipe. I can't wait to try this!

Andrea Meyers said...

Big congratulations!

HennHouse said...

Fabulous!! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

That is awesome! Congratulation to all of you! You definitely deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I was there and saw your surprised reaction as the winner was announced.. :-)

/per å (collegue of your husband..)

Anonymous said...

how awesome!!! congrats!! :D

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

GRATTIS än en gång!!! :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ett jättestort grattis från oss i Göteborg!!!!!!!! Funderar på om vi skall testa att göra Stockholmschili i helgen! Kram Linda

Dubbelörn said...

En stor GRATTIS hälsning till dig!
Mycket välförtjänt dessutom ;)


Rebecca Kline said...

Whooo hooo!!! Congratulations!! I never had a doubt in my mind. Now to get you on Food Network here in the states so I can watch.

Filippa said...

Grattis grattis, det blir definitivt Sthlms chili i helgen !

Annika said...

Grattis! Jag tror min kock får testa er variant nån dag!

(Jag trodde aldrig nåt annat än att ni skulle vinna, så jag är verkligen inte förvånad... :-)

Anonymous said...

Åhh GRATTIS GRATTIS!!!! Så roligt, de är ni väl värda! Får ni några fina priser? :-)

Anonymous said...

Grattis! Jag höll på er. :-)

Kinna Jonsson said...

Grattis jag hoppades verkligen ni skulle vinna! stor kram Kinna

Anonymous said...

Woohoo - grattis! :-)

Feline Flodin said...


Amhantar said...

Well, what else could I say..

Félicitations ! ;-)

Finla said...


Imo said...

Sweet! Massor med gratulationer! :)

Anonymous said...

Men vad kul! Det här receptet ska jag absolut testa någon helg när jag har lite mer tid för matlagning.

(från förra höstens Joanna-kurs)

Anonymous said...

Jättegrattis från din syster i Östersund

Anonymous said...

grattis på en bra segern!

Annika said...

Congratulations! Well done! You did seem to be in a leag oft your own...

Ilva said...

Grattis till er alla tre! Jätteroligt att ni kom så långt och toppen att ni vann!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't think of a winner more worthy.

Nässelblom och choklad said...

Ett stort grattis till er! Jättekul att ni vann!

Anonymous said...

Now you're famous! You shold have a contest where we can win your autograph! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!

eatswedishfish said...


Were you able to sample some of the food from your competitors? I'm sure there were many wonderful recipes!!

Marjoke said...

Congratulations, you deserved it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am looking forward for your story!

Anonymous said...

a big congratulations!!! i have been reading your blog for a while now and this is the first time im leaving a comment. im very happy for you!

Anna said...

ÅH! Grattis! :D

Katie said...

Well done girls! Many congratulations

Anonymous said...

Grattis Tjejer !! Gud va kul !!!!

Kramar Kola :))

Anne said...

Thank you so much, everyone. :) It feels so incredible - we are absolutely blown away. I will have to write a longer piece on it, it was quite a day..

Unfortunately, we didn't get to sample any food that the others made. I wish we could have though, as it looked great!

Jelly said...

Way to go, Ladies! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

How could it be otherwise? :) Bravissime, ragazze!

Zarah Maria said...

Well done Anne! Congrats!

Colours and Textures said...

I got this newsletter this morning, chilli features on it if you are interested and links to recipes.

Annika said...

Stort grattis! Din blogg är en glädje att läsa! Annika

Anonymous said...

Congrats'! You truely deserved it!

The dishes that you two made look so delicious, yummi! =)

Love, Jennie

Jeanne said...

WELL DONE! And well-deserved.