Sorry for a mid-week cat post, but I have such good news I can't wait to share them with you. Little Klara Kristall is staying with us! The truth is, we just can't bear to part with this particular little one, who's been constantly purring and pushing her way into our hearts. I should have expected it to be this hard to part with a hand-reared kitten, but somehow, I didn't. Anyway, last night I made a very hard phone call, and I'm extremely grateful that her prospective buyer was kind enough to let us keep her - she's really amazing and I hope to help her find another cat soon. Because this one, this one is all mine.
For many more pictures of Klara, click here.
Aww, what a ferocious picture! Congrats on your newest permanent addition to your family. :)
Congrats :)! Although that picture isn't the most flattering of her, rather makes her look like psycho cat ;).
What did you do to her whiskers in this pic? She looks like she's been running on nylon carpet! Very pleased she is staying with you.
Foodycat, I think it's the light :) She has whiskers all over like that, but they're not very noticeable at most times. :)
I'm happy for you.. She looks like a "wild thing". :)
An amazing little kitty! Congratulations!
Well after all that you have been through its only right that she stays.
What a little Cheeseball
She's a doll. I love that picture.
Congratulations! I'm glad you get to keep her. She has to be the most photogenic, adorable kitten ever! ;-)
Wonderful news. Selfishly speaking, we will be able to see photos of her posted regularly on your blog, right?
She is adorable! I could take her home any time if you decide you have too many cats! She is gorgeous!
Thank you for posting this.
Aww... So cute! :D I want to have a bunch of cats too. As soon as I have moved out of my apartment to a house. Three cats might be enough. *dreaming*
Oh Anne, I'm so happy for you!! And anyway, how could you part with the kitty that pulled such a face? She has a great acting career ahead of her & will support you in your old age :)
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