Some might think that this is a pretty bizarre post. I think so myself. But in a way, it's not at all.
Let's face it, the anonymous lamb in the grocery store was once cute, too.
Lamb chop, roasted veggies, tzatziki
In fact, what better way to enjoy food than to buy meat that's been raised locally? Meat that you *know* comes from an animal who's been treated well, and who has had a lovely life? In this case, my lamb comes from a friend who raises them as a hobby. This is his first year selling any meat, but I hope I'll have the opportunity next year as well. As for now, my freezer is well stocked, and the lamb is incredibly tasty, tender and flavorful.
Så konstigt egentligen. Tänker man på människor tycker man det är så synd om de dör mitt i sitt fina liv - såvida det inte är en gammal person.
Har de det hemskt tänker man att de kanske äntligen fått frid.
Men av nån anledning förunnas inte djur det där riktigt...
Bara tycker det är konstigt! Tänkt på det på sistone. Samtidigt som man naturligtvis inte vill stödja vanlig köttindustri o hur hemsk den ser ut. Satt på en krog o läste om hur lycklig kalven hade varit o blev mest ledsen liksom...
I must admit I laughed a little at your "before and after" shot
This is probably one of the most intelligent posts on food I've ever read. To see the logic between "cute furry pet animal" and "food" as a straight line. Marvellous! *applause and cheers*
Keep it up!
/Your (not so) secret admirer :-)
Ulrika - det är ju helt sant, och jag kan ibland undra vad som är värst: att befria någon från ett jobbigt liv med mycket lidande, eller att ta någon från ett glatt och lyckligt liv? Men, ja, är man köttätare så är det ju inte så väldigt konstruktivt att tänka på det viset, och det är klart att det måste ge mer lycka att behandla djuren bra under deras levnad. Vi måste komma ihåg att djur inte är lurviga små människor, men att vi är väldigt bra på att applicera våra egna tankar på djuren.
Easy Meals - I thought so :)
Jesper, thank you :)
Jag åt kött igår kväll! :-o *panik*
I agree with Jesper. I also try to buy meat and milk locally along with eggs, vegetables, and fruit. I like the thought that the lamb had a lovely life. You can't really ask for much more and I think that's a good philosophy for many things.
I suppose it is just as bizarre to kill and eat animals as it is to kill and eat humans. And still I do it (animals not humans) because it is part of our culture and the way we are brought up. I figure in 50 or 100 years people will regard us the same way as we regard the inquisition or slavery. I must say that I have the deepest respect for thoose individuals who have the strength and courage to make their own moral choices. For the rest of us we must not run away from the fact that our food was happy, living beings that suffered a gruesome death to satisfy our tastebulbs.
Well done, Anne. Not many people have the courage to show side by side the living animal and the tasty dinner - it's a connection we prefer not to make. Agree wth you 100%: if you are going to eat meat you owe it to the animal to source your meat from a place where you know the anomials lead happy, natural lives.
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