Östergötland is a really beautiful part of Sweden. I lived in Linkoping for seven years - it was there, at university, that I met Per. He is from Motala, and his family still lives there, and it was where we went earlier this week.
Like I said, we visited Söderköping to eat ice cream. The restaurant - or ice cream bar - is right by Göta Kanal, the very popular channel that goes through Sweden.
We also visited Brunneby - they make jam and fruit cordials that can be found all over Sweden, but this is their actual factory. They have a great café, and a lovely store where you can find all of their products as well as locally produced eggs, flour and other things.
And Per's mom made one of my favorite meals: Mushroom Chicken Pie.
She also made Per's favorite: Salmon Rolls. (His mom's were better than the ones he makes - more cheese, less mustard, and fresh dill.)
Hi Anne,
You don't know me, I live in California, USA, but I found your blog page while searching the internet for a recipe for Raspberry Truffle Filling. I am trying to duplicate one of my husband's and my favorite candies. We have a company here called "See's" (Grandma See started this business and now they are a chain, at least here in California.) Anyway, I know how to make chocolate Truffles, but I am looking for a candy/buttercream like texture filling for my newest attempt. So far, everything I have tried failed, and so while once again looking, I came to your blog. It was your cake filling, so I am still not sure about the texture, but your webpage and site were so interesting and fun for me that I just couldn't stop looking around. I too love to cook, bake, collect recipes, and read, read, read as much as I can to expand my already vast knowledge. I also work fulltime in the telecommunication/wireless construction arena, so free time is laging these days, but cooking is still my greatest passion. I hope that you don't mind me looking around, and saving your blog page. I too have a blog, but it has only been used for family and immediate friends communications and postings. I also have a personal blog for my own private thoughts and reflections. Anyway, thanks for taking the time for so many years to put together your collections, I will have fun checking out your recipes. Is there something you might have that is close to a very raspberry tasting cream filling? I could point you to the website to look at the See's candy filling to give you a better idea, of what it looks like. Here it is: http://www.sees.com/SPImage.cfm?ProdNo=239
Thanks for letting me look around, signed Lynnette lynnetteg@walkercomm.com
Hey Anne,
I've tagged you for a Meme. Check out my site for details. I love your site!
Cupcake Goggles
Hey Anne, Those are beautiful pictures! And that ice-cream come is huge!
oh what a lovely surprise with beautiful pics from östergötland :)
Gorgeous, sunny days you are having - and I love the look of the mushroom chicken pie!
Anne, that pie looks delicous - how do you make it ? Or is it a family secret ?:-) Thanks for this wonderful blog - it´s a true inspiration!
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