Monday, May 05, 2008

Chorizo Bean Soup

I've been holding back on this recipe because.. I don't have a photo. I simply forgot to take one when I was making it, and I've been thinking for months that I need to make it again, and take pictures, but.. that's not been happening. Honestly though, soups rarely photograph all that well, so... perhaps you won't mind? The recipe is good, anyway - really good. It's another one by Gordon Ramsay, from his "Fast Food"-book. (Which by now you should know that I really, really liked)

This has clean, strong flavors, and even a non-beaneater like me enjoyed it a lot. I used a can of cannelini beans (not great) and one of soybeans (much better!!) but you can pick and mix as you please. You could even soak and cook your own beans, but that would severely take away from the "fast" element of this dish.

Chorizo Bean Soup
Serves 4

250 g chorizo sausage
1 tbsp olive oil
2 small red onions
2 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp thyme - dried, or a few stalks of fresh thyme
2 cans (each about 400 g) of beans
salt, pepper
freshly squeezed lemon
flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped

Chop the red onion, slice the chorizo thinly and slice the garlic. Rinse the beans and drain them. Bring some water to a boil in a kettle - about one litre.

Fry the onion, garlic and thyme in the olive oil in a deep pan or a saucepot. Add the chorizo and fry until the oil starts to color from the sausage, and the chorizo turns crispy. Add the beans. Cover with hot, preferrably boiling water, and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, some lemon juice and finally scatter over the parsley.

Recipe in Swedish:
Chorizo- och bönsoppa


Pille said...

Sounds lovely, Anne. I made a very nice chorizo and chickpea stew for my birthday last month, but I can see that chorizo and beans would go well, too.

Anonymous said...

sounds great...I think i'm gonna try and put all the less parishable goods in a Mystery Pack this week with a note saying "Just add Chorizo!"

Sounds delicious!

Joy Logan said...

YUM I make mine with kale and white beans soaked's a fav here!

Jeanne said...

That really couldn't be easier, could it? I love the chorizo/bean combo. I made a fantastic chicken, chorizo, bean & olive casserole last month - which reminds me I really must blog it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks mucho for this one, Anne. I sort of used this as a basis for a chicken chili I made.

Anonymous said...

LIMA beans make all the difference... and making chorizo "crispy" is not as easy as adding it to the onions, garlic and thyme... don't burn the onions! LOL