Yesterday was Barista Cup, a big event where baristas all over Sweden compete. The winner was Daniel Remheden (second from the left in the photo above) from Lund. There was also a competition for the best latte, called Beige Award, and that went to Peter Frennhoff. Incidentally, both of them work at the same café - Klostergatans Vin & Delikatess. I've never been, but rest assured that I will definitely visit if I can! Congratulations to both!
Peter Frennhoff, in the beginning of his final set
I'm pretty sure I've tried coffee from both of them before, at an event sponsored by Arla (the big Swedish dairy company, which is also one of the main sponsors of Barista Cup) and as I recall, they're very well deserved winners!
Jack Hanna, pouring the design that won him the title.
Yesterday though, I was extremely excited to get a latte from Jack Hanna, who's the reigning world latte art champion. As he said himself, that means that he makes pretty coffee. And to make pretty coffee, or latte art, you really have to have brilliant espresso as well as excellent milk. So if it's pretty, it's just about guaranteed to taste good, too. And wow - it was the best latte I've ever had. Too bad Jack lives in Australia! He's a very charming guy, too - and he made me a very cute heart. Aww.
The lovely latte, made by Jack Hanna.
More Jack Hanna!
I'm now properly inspired to start making espresso at home again. I have to admit that my Gaggia has been sitting unused for a long time. Then again, Gaggias aren't great for frothing milk properly, I might have to look for another one... Um, and take a class, perhaps.
We also got to try different espressos with different sugars - and no, I wasn't brave enough to go for the pink stuff, which is raspberry infused...
You can read more about the competition - in Swedish - at
I could never get into coffee. It all tasted like burnt water to me. And while I always wanted to try expresso the idea of paying $4 for what's marketed as "the best burnt water ever!" just turned me off.
Åhh, kaffeee! :9 Ska vi dra och fika snart? ;D Undrar om man har en chans i en baristatävling, hahah. ;D Jag kan ju skumma mjölk som tusan! Fick komplimanger för min cappuccino förr, ty jag är bra på att skumma riktigt jävla hårt skum. :) Nåja, roligt är det iaf. Saknar att skumma mjölk... Måste fråga chefen om vi kan öppna caféverksamhet också. ;D (Ytterligare ett splittrat inlägg av undertecknad.)
Oj så läckert! Kram Sandra
Nämen gud så synd att jag inte fick hälsa på dig! Jag sprang runt som en yr höna med mikrofon under tävlingsdagarna!
Dan, oh, det var synd ja! Jag gjorde verkligen ett snabbesök, var där max en timme tyvärr. Hoppas på mer tid nästa år :)
I have a link of your site on my blog. You make me hungry everytime I come here. But yum that coffee and with art on top OH MY!
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