Seriously, Monday again? Already? I feel like it's not even weekend yet - I'm stuck in last week! Which was really busy. And I have spent my weekend cleaning out old stuff - bags and bags of clothes, and a *huge* amount of make-up. It feels really good - and not only because there is now more room for new stuff! It's really liberating to get rid of stuff - and come on, if you haven't used it for a year (or two, three, five...) you probably won't use it much in the future either.
Now, I should do the same with my kitchen cupboards, I have a feeling some things may be lurking in the back... And I have a perfect occasion coming up soon - I'm hosting another Tupperware party on Sunday (anyone wants to come, just e-mail me! You're all very welcome!) and I'll order some more containers, to properly organize.
Now, for some recipes! I made this tasty chicken and cous-cous a while ago, when my sister came to dinner. It was really delicious! I served it with a great red onion chutney - but I'll save that for tomorrow!
Cinnamon Chicken
serves 4
1 kilo of chicken pieces, preferrably thighs, but use your favorite
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped
2 tsp cinnamon
3 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp flaky sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
Mix all ingredients, and let the chicken marinate for at least a few hours. When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 200°C. Bake the chicken in the oven for 30-40 minutes until it's cooked through and the skin is browned and crispy.
Orange Cous-Cous
Serves 4
500 ml (2 cups) cous-cous
500 ml (2 cups) chicken stock or water
150 ml orange juice
1 tsp flaky sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
1-2 tsp cumin
100 ml almonds, coarsely chopped
Start by toasting the almonds in a dry frying pan. Set aside when they're nicely toasted.
Put the cous-cous in a bowl, and add salt, black pepper and cumin. Bring the stock and the orange juice to a boil, and pour this over the cous-cous. Cover with palstic foil and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork, and stir in the almonds.
Recipe in Swedish:
Kanelkyckling med apelsincous-cous
I högra kanten har jag länkar till olika kategorier....
Du det här ser himla gott ut och jag som satt och funderade över vad jag skulle göra med kycklingen. Nu tror jag att jag vet.
Hela länken kom inte med
perfekt, tack! Det hade jag missat :) Det ser verkligen jättegott ut.
I am making this this week...looks great! Thanks for the inspiration...I haven't cooked in a week...! So unlike me.
This looks delicious! Definitely something I want to try soon.
Okay, Anne, you got me on this recipe and I will try it. Sounds great and I've never had cous-cous, would you believe that?
Kay in Oregon
This looks delicious, Anne! I'm going to try it next week, when DBF is in town. I'll let you know how it goes...
Jag testade kycklingreceptet igår men gjorde lite ändringar då jag inte hade några örter hemma. Så jag tog i liiite tandoriikrydda och det blev en hit! Så god kyckling. Var lite skeptiskt till att ha kanel i maten men den gjorde sig väldigt fint. Av skyet som blev efter kycklingen blev det en mkt god sås, bara tillsätta mjölk & kanske lite buljong och reda av. Som alltid är din blogg en stor inspirationskälla för nya recept. :-)
I would never have thought of using orange juice in couscous. What a brilliant idea!
And of course, the cinnamon chicken looks delicious.
1) I couldn't find this listed under "Dinner, poultry"... or maybe I'm blind... Found it, anyway, via search.
2) I tried this last night and my husband told me - TWICE - to be SURE and tell you HOW WONDERFUL IT IS! And he's absolutely right! WOW! It's so much fun to find something new that just knocks your socks off. Thanks!
Nikki, I know - I haven't updated the index in a few months, and I really need to do that. Thanks for reminding me! And I'm glad you like the chicken! :) I'm definitely making this again soon.
My mother told me about this cinnamon chicken that she was going to make for dinner and I asked for the recipe and my boyfriend and I made it last night for dinner and it was awesome! I love your blog and will continue to read it! Thank you for the great blog! Amy from California
Amy, that's just lovely! Thank you for telling me, that really makes me happy! :)
This made for a Moroccan feast!! It is my fav. recipe. I made it on kebabs, with zuchinni and red pepper in between chicken slices. I made it with this orange raisin couscous:
DELICIOUS. It's like dessert for dinner!
I made this as a choice for a SCA lunch. everyone loved it!
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