I have many knives, but actually no Santoku knife. This one from the Wüsthof Ikon series is really attractive, with a blackwood handle.
When I was in Brussels, I had a waffle off one of the street vendors. Yum! They sometimes sell Belgian Waffles here in Sweden too, at festivals and markets, but I'd love to be able to make my own. So, this VillaWare Belgian Waffle Maker looks great!
You've heard about barbecuing a chicken on a beercan? Well, this neat little Vertical Chicken Roaster will do just that, but without the can. You put liquid in the middle (be it beer, wine, juice, coke, water...) and it will make sure that the chicken remains moist. Very cool.
Getting good vanilla is always something of a quest for me. I have a few bottles of Vanilla Extract, carefully hoarded (and yes, I make my own too - but I can never get it as strong.) but I'd love to try Nielsen-Massey's Vanilla Bean Paste, too.
You've read the instructions - grill the meat until it reaches a temperature of... well, it can be really hard to measure sometimes, and especially if you're doing it outdoors. This handy Thermomether Fork comes to the rescue!
Have you watched Top Chef? I know I have, and I'm often impressed by their nice-looking presentations. (Even if the judges are less so!) With this set of Garnishing Squeeze Bottles, you could easily make your own squiggles and smears. Good for those of us that are artistically challenged, I'd say. Me, for sure!
A basting brush comes in real handy when you're outside, barbecuing. This Angled Silicon Barbecue Mop is a nice one, with a really long handle, that will allow you to keep your fingers cool, and your meat glazed, instead of the other way around...
I love guacamole and chips, and what better way to serve them? This Nito Dip Tray is really pretty!
Now, this is indispensable. Ever tried to take cupcakes on a picnic? Well, it can be really messy. But with the handy cupcake carrier Cup-A-Cake - no more!
Chefs love them, and I agree - Microplane graters are the best! I have a ribbon grater, but I'd love to have more of them - the coarse, the fine, the zester...
I can't be the only one having problems cutting a mango, since this Oxo Mango Pitter exists! I've resorted to buying frozen, ready-diced mango just to avoid the hassle, but with this handy gadget, maybe I'd give fresh ones another chance.
And finally, for my very meager cookie cutter collection, a beautiful kitty cookie cutter.
And guess what, that's it! Although, hmm, those pie weights are looking interesting...
All photos are from Williams-Sonoma.
Nu är jag ju bara nyfiken så jag kan dö på detta med kyckling på en ölburk. Länken har nog blivit galen för man hamnar hos vanlijpastan där också.
Det är farliga inlägg du skriver för oj så mycket saker jag inte visste att jag behöver ;-)
Åh, tack - jag har fixat länken nu :) Visst finns det mycket roliga prylar? :)
Ser inte alls hur "mango pittern" skulle vara bra på något sätt, den ser klumpig och oanvändbar ut.
Och det fina med att skära upp en egen mango är att man får en utsökt "snack" att smaska på, som räcker väldigt länge.
Yep, gotta agree with you on the knife - I have just about every other one except that one. I am told that when you chop veggies they do not stick to the knife. I need one of those!!!!
Ha ha. My feeling that you would enjoy that catalog was quite right I see. Well for my autumn trip maybe I should bring something more than the catalog....
I'm sorry, most your choices are enviable but cup cake carriers?!*! someone is having a laugh, surely?
great blog though, love to read it.
Jag saknade dig i torsdags på jobbet Anne, men vädret var ju inget vidare... Du missade ett storslaget mandelmusslebak i den gamla vedspisen!
I own a Villaware waffle maker and I adore it. You can really make great Belgian waffles with it.
A Santoku knife and the Microplane graters are fabulous tools. So pleasant to use.
Classic Ikon och Ikon från Wüsthof är riktigt grymma knivar.
Kul med annorlunda gadgets.
Nu börjar det här bli prylknarkande på hög nivå :).
Jag har en jättebra site härnågonstans, urln alltså, till en site som säljer cookie cutters och enbart cookie cutters.
Ska leta reda på urln.
Hi Anne,
I can not say that I have finished with my unnecessaries, but If I would I will come back to these posts:-)))
Lakeland might be able to help you out with your Vanilla purchasing.
I always go mad in there myself....
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