Monday, July 02, 2007

Of note.

Apparently, I've been named a "blog of note" by the good people at Blogger. Wow. I'm thrilled. And hey - there must be a lot of new visitors out there! Welcome! I hope you like it - and I hope you hang around! I love having you here.


Anonymous said...

whats up gurl well i was looking down at your page and i saw all those foods oooo weeee you made my day. so are you like a chef or something or like to explore the world of food like rachel ray get back at me

The NJ Shore Page said...

Anne's your best cookbook around love make good meal.

Unknown said...

Hi and congratulations on being named a blog of note! I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially the posts about your trip to Belgium. We are shortly going to Holland (in two weeks) for a week's stay (husband is Dutch) and maybe we'll make a daytrip to Belgium. As I am a coffee fiend, what you wrote about coffee will be helpful. I am a new blogger and getting a great kick out of my early efforts. Tomorrow I'm making cupcakes, so hope to post on that by Wednesday! Anyhoo, I'll keep an eye on your blog from time to time. Congrats again and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is a very fun blog, and I'll be back to read it again!

Rachel said...

yay you!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for over a year now and have enjoyed it so much. Congratulations on your honor! I can easily see why you were named a blog of note. I will try and be more consistent with my comments from now on! Keep up the great posts.

Zani said...

Hi, well with over 17000 people checking your profile I am not surpized.

I am a chef in South Africa. It is cool to see people that have such a passion for food. If you do it for a livving you tend to loose the passion now and again... well not all chefs I hope! So now I have a bit of a mid 20's career crisis!

Great recipes... and keep it as a hobby, passion and love!

D Herrod said...

Congrats on being named Blog of Note. Nice site I will be back for sure. Good collection of recipes.

klutz4eva said...

All of the food you put on your blog looks delicious.:)

Annie Jeffries said...

Hello from one Anne to another. So glad to find your food blog.

Lennart Nilsson said...


High Power Rocketry said...

Make a note of it! HAHA


Not funny.

John Newman said...

>Apparently, I've been named a "blog of
> note" by the good people at Blogger.

I have to admit, it's what got me here. I read, 'Anne's Food.' "Another food blogger?" I thought. "Cool! I need to check this out." I'm glad I did, too. The recipe for mustardy cole slaw looks wonderful.

BC said...

Congratulations! I am book marking the Swedish recipes - my grandmother no longer bakes and I miss her Swedish cookies.

Tanya said...

Super blog Anne (Spelt the same way as my mother’s name). Will bookmark it and be sure to return with an appetite.

Johane said...

Congratulations Anne! It's nice to know that people take notice of your work isn't it? Enjoy it. It is well deserved.

farmerjulie said...

Hi anne..i love your food blog! i have a garden blog. you do a great job! i hope your cooking rubbs off on me!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog you have here. All the foods look so yummy.

sensation said...

Hello there :)
Nice blog indeed :)

Well, I am one of the visitors who saw your blog being rated as blog of note... I live in a country called Oman in the middle east. Ofcourse we have a variety of local dishes which are quite different from the ones you guys have in Sweden. However, it's nice for a change, I guess! lol!

I have a fellow blogger who is running a blog about the types of food and resturants we have here in Oman. You are most welcome to have a look at it and leave a comment too :)

The blog is called the Omani Couisine

here is the link

zouzouna said...

Congrats Ann !
I am a girl from the sunny Greece but I love Sweden as well. I am every 2nd summer there, 200 klm north to Stockholm in a friend of mine. Near Hedemora. I will be glad to send you greek recepies. Sorry but my blog is in greek language. But I found your idea to have some recepies in another language, very nice!!
You blog is perfect. I will "taste" something later !!
Zouzouna !(blog name)

Anonymous said...

redheads are nice.

it's a guy's dream to find a woman who cooks but when a guy finds a woman who LOVES to cook, it's heaven.

Anne said...

Everyone, thank you for all your kind comments - I'm totally blown away by having so much company here :) And my old friends and visitors, you're a big part of what keeps me going, and I love your feedback.

Spade and Spoon - don't forget to have a Belgian Waffle, sold on the streets everywhere. But skip the chocolate unless you really, really need the sugar - I got a waffle completely doused with chocolate sauce and it was really difficult to eat. (And taking a photo was very much out of the question!) :)

Sensation - Omani cuisine sounds intriguing! Definitely popping over! :)

Winai - haha, I'm showing this one to my husband. I'm sure he agrees, at least on most days :)

akshat said...

visit me at my blog if u r interested in tech:

Bokomaten.. said...

Kul!! Jag hade inte hittat din blogg om den inte hade blivit blog of note. Jag lägger den till favoriterna på datorn, funderar på att länka till dig på min obetydliga systartade blog, skulle det vara ok?

Vretende Zebra said...

Pretty cool for a 5 year old girl with 30 cats!

Anne said...

Bokomaten - självklart! :) Ska genast spana in din blogg! :)

Babeth said...

Hi Anne! I clicked on your blog while login to blogger. It's a very nice blog, I will be back reading you.
Bon appetit!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Anne! Keep up the good work! (Oh, and I finally got to try lingonberry jam after reading about it on your's delicious!)

Drama Mama said...

Hey Anne, this is Minah all the way from Malaysia. Well done on your blog's success. I'm bookmarking it for sure. Cant wait to try one of your recipes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne! I totally love your site and how well developed it is! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog, and I think it's really really great. I also have a food blog which features Asian food, Chinese, Malay, Thai, etc.

All the best

indiwriter said...

Am not surprised! cool blog and your passion for food shows :)

I love reading about food tho' am not such a frequent blogger as you..
