Thursday, July 05, 2007


Edith 12 dagar

Sorry. No. Edith didn't make it. Her injuries were just too extensive. We don't know what happened to her - it might have been some sort of tumour - but hopefully we might find out eventually. Regardless, our little kitty isn't coming home.

edith 060114

We miss you.

edith 070306 1

We love you.

edith 060528

We will never forget you.

edith 060323


Anonymous said...

Oh, Anne, I am so very sorry to hear this news. Sincere condolences from Brad and me. You and Per will be in our thoughts and prayers.


Lotta K said...

Oh, this is sad news. I am so sorry.

Your shorthair cats are very pretty, Anne.

Anonymous said...

Stackars lilla Edith... Ledsen för er skull!

perec said...

I'm really sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

beklagar sorgen,det är ledsamt att mista någon som har varit i familjen länge...

/Maria från Västerås

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are very sorry. Sending you purrs and hugs.

The Cookbook Junkie said...


Anonymous said...

Jag är så ledsen över att läsa detta. Vi beklagar djupt sorgen båda två. Många många kramar

Laura said...

Dear Anne and Fam,

I'm so sorry. I soooo know the grief and huge hole left behind, especially when it is so sudden and unexpected. You have my total empathy.

When you feel up to it, please come visit my blog:
It's turned out to be not so much blogging about my mosaics, or mysticism, as about my cats -- one recently deceased and one currently struggling. Sigh. It never ever gets easier.

You might like the memorial collage poster I ordered (and posted on the blog) from Snapfish for your sweet girl. The photos came today and are good! The poster should come tomorrow.

Be gentle with yourself. It may take a long time. I still cry almost daily for my Walter.
Laura (Anne) Winzeler

Louise said...

Så tråkigt! Beklagar verkligen

anne said...

Oh, Anne. I am so very, very sorry. I can understand the pain very clearly and my heart goes out to you.

She was a very lovely kitty-girl.

Anonymous said...

Anne, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm going to go home tonight and give my kitties some extra loving. My thoughts are with you.

Joy Logan said...

Poor baby I know how you feel. Had to have our dearest cat put to sleep after he had a tumor wrapped around his heart. He was my dogs best friend too. So sorry for you.

Pia K said...

Such sad news. I know just how you feel, since it happened to me last week.

One day you'll probably be able to remember all the good days you were blessed enough to have with her - without all the sadness and sorrow you feel right now.

Dori said...

:( What a terrible loss...I recently lost a cat I had for 22 years of my life, since I was two, and it was no different than losing a person...I really feel for you!

Anonymous said...

Åh nej! Lilla fina Edith! Vet så väl vad ni går igenom nu och det är verkligen inte roligt... Krama om de ni har kvar och varann!

Massa kramar

Marijke Vroomen-Durning said...

I am so sorry. I had cats growing up, but I can't now because my husband and two of my children are allergic to them.

I am very sorry for your loss.

Ronna said...

I'm really sorry for your loss Anne. She was a very beautiful cat and I know you have fond memories of her. She was one of the family. Poor little thing.

Carbon said...

My thoughts are with you. We lost our kitty many months ago and it still aches when I think of her.

Lena said...

Jag vill bara gråta när jag ser bilderna på lilla underbara Edith, så jag förstår att det måste vara hemskt för er. Vi tänker på er och är så ledsna för er skull! Massor med kramar!
Sov Gott lilla Edith, du är saknad.

Kevin said...

I think SweetThing, my roommate of 16 years, is dying. She doesn't seem to be sick, and certainly not injured, she just seems to have reached her end.

Alisa said...

Å nei! Jeg kondolerer. Jeg vet hvor vondt det er å miste en liten katt man har blitt glad i.

- Alisa

nonizamboni said...

Anne, I'm so sorry about losing your friend. [I have a 16 year old Siberian Husky who I can't help but think each day might be her last.] I do hope each day gets easier for you.

Pelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Edith :(

Shibbo said...

Sorry to hear about Edith. She was a very beautiful cat.

Just came across your site, as a top ten blog for the month. My husband and I both love to cook. I can't wait to try some of your recipes.

Johane said...

I'm sure Edith was a very good friend of yours, and if she had a choice she would surely have chosen to stay. At least you've had her for this precious time, and you've made so many precious memories.

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said...

I am truly sorry for your loss. We got our cat when she was 5 days old and have had her for 13 years now. They become such a part of you. I am sending many thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

You poor darlings, I feel for you, this is no different from losing a cherished family member. Have endured this pain, and it sucks. As they say, time heals, but that doesn't help at this time I know. Think of the good times, and she'll be there watching over you. They leave paw prints on your heart, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is very sad.
We are very sorry for your loss. She seems like she was a wonderful little kitty.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne,
I hope all these comments help. I am so sorry. It is nice to know so many people care about animals. I was so much hoping Edith would come out of it swinging. So sad.
I am so sorry.


Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Anne, so sorry to hear what had happened to Edith.

Cerebrum said...

Oh Anne! I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been lucky enough never to have lost a pet (because I never had one) but I'm dreading the day it will happen. The hairs on my arms are on ends at this beautiful tribute to Edith - she sure was a gorgeous girl.

Sleep tight little Angel...

smelly said...

From one animal lover to another... at least you know that the time your kitty spent on earth was blessed because she had you to give her so much love. At least she went to heaven a happy kitty.

Big hugs for you >>hug<<

Bokomaten.. said...

Nej vad sorgligt! Jag vet hur hemskt det är att förlora en kompis och familjemedlem så.. Jag förlorade min kisse för ett par år sedan och har inte vela skaffa någon ny. Det är en stor sorg att mista sin mjuka, pälsiga vän.. Hoppas det känns bättre att hon inte lider nu.. Beklagar sorgen, verkligen.

Miss Venice said...

So sorry to hear this. =(
Hang in there!

M'nMs said...

So sorry to hear about Edith. Sincere condolences.

Anonymous said...

oh no - I really feel for you, losing a pet is terrible. Poor Edith.

winedeb said...

Edith is now visiting with my "Hobo" who I lost just a few months ago. They are having a good time together making new friends!

liuia drusilla said...

I've been away for a couple of days and I find so bad news now. I almost never comment, but I have to stop by to say I'm so sorry today :(.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

I am so, deeply sorry. Many hugs from someone you don't know, but who is hugging her kitty right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Anne. I've enjoyed reading about her and looking at her photos. My deepest condolences. - Joanne

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne,

I am so sorry to hear about poor Edith. I hope that you and Per are both ok.


Anonymous said...

So sorry about your cats :(

Boom said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so hard.
Take care of yourself....hang in there!

Anonymous said...

åh Anne jag är så ledsen att höra om Edith, jag grät en skvätt...jag och Kerstin tänker på dig!

Jelly said...

Oh Anne,
I just saw your post. I'm SO SORRY about Edith, you must be so very sad. It's tricky with animals - one day their fine, and sometimes the next they're not. The same thing happened with my family's dog Boots very recently.
What a shame.
I will hope for some comfort for you and your husband. All your cats are lucky - they're so loved.
-Jenn xo

Arya Blackwood said...

awwww.....I guess i could imagine how painful the death of a close pet is since i've been thruogh ir before...I wish for angel's soul to RIP in the heavens and so that she may always bring back fond memories to deepest sympathies and regards are with you :)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Please accept our sympathy. We feel for your loss and hope that you find comfort in the kindness of those around you, and of strangers too.

The Sports Satirist said...

So sorry about your cat. Hope you feel better. God bless.

Midnite Skys said...

I am so sorry to hear that... My daughter's friend just lost both her dogs to parvo on the fourth and we had a cook out and a fire with some talking, too bad you don't live close... we could have a glass of wine, shoulder and a night by the fire.... sending hugs

Nonny Nu said...

Hello, Anne,

I inherited my first cat, Sushi, about 4 years ago, and she is just the dearest thing to me. She recently got sick and I was just absolutely beside myself with worry. She has recovered (thank God) and is back to her old self. She's old (over 16 years) and I don't know what I'll do when she goes. I'm sorry to read about Edith (I just wandered to your blog from the front page of Blogger). I can tell it's not easy and I hope you feel better soon.

Nonny Nu

Sherri said...

Oh Anne, my heart goes out to you and your family. Losing a kitty is like losing a child. Angel will always be in your heart, and I will keep you and yours in my heart too. Sherri

Zoli said...

Oh Anne, I´m really sorry for you.
My sincere condolences.

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Anne, I am so sorry! What a beautiful cat! Your heart breaks a little more each time you lose a cat, doesn't it!

browniegirl said...

Anne I am so sorry to hear about your kitty Edith's death. She was such a beautiful girl and I know you were great parents to her and all your other cats. It is so sad to lose a pet, I can really empathise having been there myself. But I know without a doubt that Edith has left behind many many happy memories for you to visit when you feel down or when you feel like being close to her. Hang on to those and enjoy those other feline beauties that you are blessed to have. Love Colleen in South Africa

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I'm so sorry...
Such a beautiful cat, it's sad.

Karin said...

Jag känner verkligen med er! Min katt är som mitt barn, vilket folk som inte har djur inte kan förstå, det värsta med att ha djur är att de kommer att dö före en själv, men det är värt varenda minut!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fina fina kissen. Mina varmaste omtankar till er.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to read about your cat this way. We had a similar cat and experienced the same thing 1,5 year ago. It is sad and you will never forget! Our condolences.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Edit. She was so cute and lovely cat. I lost my 15-years old dear cat this summer so I think I know how you feel right now. But I can say you that your pain will help when time is running. R.I.P. Edit.

/Pia från Åbo Finland

barbie2be said...

i'm so sorry about your sweet girl, my roommate has two cats (brothers) that both have heart murmmurs. i would just die if anything happened to one of them or to my own precious baby.

Karen said...

Saw you on the blogger dashboard and just popped in... as a fellow cat lover, my heart breaks for you. Happy catnip thoughts for your sweet Edith. She certainly is a beautiful cat.

Anonymous said...

Edith was sooo pretty. I find that
each cat I care for gives me a different gift. Each with a personality that touches me in a unique way. May you always remember what gift's Edith brought
into your life. I'm so sorry for your loss. Gwen USA

Anonymous said...

Anne, just saw this now. I've been on vacation and have fallen behind on my blog reading.

I'm so sorry to hear it! Edith was a beautiful cat. Thankfully, she's no longer in pain, but I'm sure you and Per miss her terribly. My thoughts go out to you both.