Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sourdough Starter from 1847


How cool is this? I saw a post on this sourdough at Brownie Points, and immediately decided I wanted to try it. I sent a dollar, and my address, and promptly got back what you see in the picture. And that's dried sourdough starter, from Oregon. It was first started by Carl Griffith, in 1847, and people are still caring for this tender little sourdough. Some people volunteer to share the joy, and send out dried pieces of starter all over the world.

I like baking with sourdough, but I keep mine frozen and I rather like the idea of having a bubbling jar that needs feeding once a week. I am too lazy to make my own starter, and besides, this sounded so neat. Just imagine - a sourdough culture dating back 170 years! If you want to try it too, check out everything you need to know right here.

And I promise to report back when I've revived it!


Anonymous said...

Åh, det var en fin blogg. Jag gillar att den är på engelska...vackra bilder också!

Anonymous said...

How cool is this?? I'm definitely sending a dollar--I'll look forward to hearing your update as well!

Anonymous said...


Next thing you know, we'll see you making långmjölk/tätmjölk (kind of a slithery, slippery yogurt that stretches like rubber bands from the spoon) from starter that's just as old! My mother made tätmjölk every week with fresh milk mixed with a little leftover "täte". I loved the taste but hated the consistency! You can still buy it in the milk section in Swedish stores.

Fantastic to hear about this old bread culture.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so cool!

winedeb said...

Hey Anne, saw your sight from Farmgirl Fare and am enjoying it. I am new to blogging so please check out my blog if you get time.
Re the starter, amazing they can keep something that will be alive for that long! Looking forward to your update on that!

Anonymous said...

How cool to be carrying on a 170 year old tradition! I'm very curious to hear about what you make with this sourdough, and the depth of its flavor. You've inspired me. I think I'll buy some myself!