Jamy, one week
The J-litter is now one week old! Time to show off these beauties - and they now have names, too. (Pretty much, anyway.) We went with a Shakespeare theme - Jupiter, Jamy, Juliet and Julius. (They might have some additions to their actual pedigree names, but we've not decided just yet.)

Jupiter, one week

Jamy, one week

Juliet, one week

Julius, one week
You can see more pictures in this Flickr Set.
For newcomers, these kittens are British Shorthair pedigree cats. We have one or two litters per year. And they are for sale.
Weekend Cat Blogging this week is hosted by What Did You Eat? Go visit for many more cute kitties.
Wish you lived just around the corner, I would run over and put a down-payment for Juliet, she is so beautiful!!
Even though Sweden is my favourite place for vacation, it's still too far for a cat.
Hilsner Anne from Denmark
Anne, we actually got our first cat from Malmo! :) And we have been in touch with many breeders in Denmark regarding our cats (not yet with this litter though), but it's a lot easier when it's close-by. So far, we haven't clicked completely with anyone abroad (we were going to sell Ikaros from our last litter to Estonia, but unfortunately he turned out not to be good enough for breeding.) but we're totally open to it eventually :) Denmark is thankfully easy enough to export to - and from - due to EU regulations.
Åh titta Jupiter har öppnat ögonen!!! Nu är jag ännu mer trött på att vara kattallergiker!!
Awww, too cute : D
Extremely cute!!!
So darling!! I too wish I was close enough to pop by and at the least hold one!
I got a kitten for Christmas too...Le Roi. Of course, he is 6 months old. As he sits here batting the cords and looking at me lovingly, I am in love.
Those are the cutest bits of fur ever. I love their names. So chic, so fab.
What lovely little snuggle pumpkins. They are adorable!
Awww, the little J's look so cute esp the sleepy ones. Can't wait to see them grow up.
These kittens are my new obsession. I keep clicking over here so I can sneak another look at their cute little kitten faces :).
Anne, they are SO sweet! I love the tuxedo cats, I am partial to them, y'know!
I look forward to checking back to see how they grow.
What great pictures! Thank you for putting them on display. Precious!
Awww that is so adorable! I love Juliet especially - she looks about as co-ordinated as me! ;)
I'm going to post this comment quick so I can "aww" at the pictures again!
Oh, they are gorgeous! Such beautiful tabby stripes on Juliet and Jamy.
so cute! they are so little! Meow!
Ummm.. they are lovely!
Oh, my, goodness!!! Those utterly cute pictures bring every girly-hormone in my body out and shrieking at the adora-bility!
such kitten cuteness!
Yes, all little kittens are beautiful..but wait, some of them become little monsters, fighting with the neighbours cat, scratching the wallpaper and furniture, bite, when they feel it is time to get up, play with the cables until your PC doesn't work anymore, try to catch the fish in the pond, chase the squirrels, racoon and skunk, explore the roof and chimney, take a nap in a flower hanging basket and much more.
We have a tabby cat, his name is Maximus called Maxi. Not a cat with pedigree, but a barn cat born in a small village close to Lake Ontario, Canada. The owner posted a sign "free kittens". We stopped the car, asked if we could see the kittens? How could we leave and not take one home? That day changed our life...
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