Let's start the new year in style - with a good breakfast. For weekends, I love doing crispy fried bacon and scrambled eggs - in fact, I often skip the bacon and go straight for the eggs, but as they're a match made in heaven, it's nice to do both, if you've got the time. And on New Year's Day, there's not much else to do.
I'm spending the rest of the day relaxing on the couch, and watching my favorite movie that's shown every New Year's Day - Ivanhoe. We were at a great party yesterday, and were fed delicious food. I'm planning on making homemade Macaroni & Cheese tonight - as much as I'm a fan of Kraft's, I better have a back-up, because I'm running out of boxes. And besides, Kevin is hosting a special event. And I want to try out Jamie Oliver's recipe from his new book - which was one of my christmas presents.
These scrambled eggs use crème fraîche, which is just utterly delicious - but you can use any dairy product, really. It's great with cream or milk, too. Do serve with crispy bacon (10 minutes in a hot oven does wonders!) and some roasted tomatoes.
Scrambled eggs with Crème Fraîche
Serves 2
4 eggs
3 tbsp crème fraîche
salt (preferably a really tasty one - I have a lovely French salt with dried cepes, yum.)
1 tbsp butter
Melt the butter in a wide saucepan, on medium heat. Beat the eggs and the crème fraîche together, and salt well. Add to the hot butter, and fry slowly on low-medium heat, stirring all the time, until you have a big pan of creamy, pale yellow goodness.
Recipe in Swedish:
Äggröra med Crème Fraîche
hej anne. gott nytt år!!!
all the best for 2007!
These sound like they would be absolutely fabulous!
Have a very Happy New Year!!
Anne, Happy New Year!
I just love your blog! Kraft macaroni and cheese jumped out at me as did Skittles recently - curse these little things I find on the floor after the grandchildren leave - and I had to smile.
Question: Did you spend formative years in the US? Your language skills and sometimes un-Swedish youthful (proves you're a kid at heart) food habits etc leads me there. :)
I have tried every from-scratch macaroni and cheese recipe there is but have given up on trying to please the little ones with anything but the orange Kraft. I buy big-packs of Kraft macaroni and cheese att Sam's Club and can always do a quick Kraft on short notice. That and cans of green beans (they must be conditioning kids on this at school; government surplus stock in the lunchrooms?) is good to have on hand for emergency quick meals. Unfortunately this won't do for my husband. :)
Looking forward to trying some of your recipies. Kroppkakor with strange filling I'll leave out. They are not in my comfort food sphere. The dumplings - palt - of my childhood in Ångermanland were not filled but were eaten with lingonberry jam and melted butter. Somewhat hard to digest though...Further north there is "pitepalt" of a somewhat alarming reputation. And far to the south gnocci. What a wonderful food world!
Thanks for all the tips and Gott Nytt År!
Hej Anna! Happy new year! And I can't wait to hear more about your upcoming wedding!! Are you coming to Sweden?
fiber - happy new year to you, too! :)
a-k - not exactly formative years maybe, but I did spend a year as a foreign exchange student in high school, in Long Beach California. My host family had very little time for cooking, and I'm afraid I developed quite a habit for certain junk food ;) And my very favorite was Kraft Mac & Cheese... there's just something about that bright yellow powder. It's hard to find here, but I'm lucky (and spoiled!)enough that some people send me care packages so I'm never completely out :)
Do pass on the kroppkakor if it sounds a bit scary - but try Stuffed cabbage rolls; Kåldolmar - very Swedish in flavor, but not so scary. Or at least I don't think so, now that I've tried - but it took me a few years! Happy New Year to you!
anne, tack for att du namnde ivanhoe, hade helt glomt bort honom, my first true love... bor i england och maste darfor forlita mig pa en gammal sliten videokasett, men jag har den iallafall. bara maste ses. god fortsattning.
I too started off the year with some crispy bacon and scrambled eggs. I like to saute up what I have around--today it was onion, mushroom & spinach, then scramble the egg up with that. A nice way to start off the year!
You mention the mac & cheese event, which I'm eyeing too! You might also be interested in the "Leftover Tuesdays" event I'm hosting. Details here: http://cookingchat.blogspot.com/2006/12/announcing-leftover-tuesdays.html
I often crave a good big breakfast. This looks delicious!
Thanks for pointing us to the Mac and Cheese post as well. If I don't make it, I can at least drool over all of the photos!
oh my! how luscious these must be with the addition of the creme fresh! definately a great new years treat. Happy new years!
Happy New Year to you Anne! A nice way to start 2007! I love scrambled eggs!
Thanks, Anne! I love kåldolmar, especially my mother's recipe. In the US the sauce is tomato-based but I prefer "mammas".
For good luck on new Years Day americans eat black-eyed peas and/or cabbage. The store I visited was out of fresh, canned and dried black-eyed peas. I gave up without checking the frozen foods section an decided to make a cabbage dish. I had already tried your oven meatballs and added left-over meatballs to my cabbage stew. Quite satisfying.
I would like to address the use of refined white flour at some point; we are using more and more whole grain flours now, e.g. whole wheat pastry flour. But it will have to wait.
God fortsättning!
Wish you a very happy new year, Anne!
That's a scrumptious looking breakfast. Great b'fast to kickstart the new year..:):)
Hi there,
Came across this today, and I've just enjoyed my lovely scrambled egg!
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