Looks can be deceptive.

"I am mighty, hear me roar."
Well, time for an update on baby Glinda. Baby in her ways, not so much in her age - she's nearly two. And showing no signs whatsoever of becoming adult. Not that we complain, it's lovely having a kitten around. It's just that it'd be nice to have actual tiny kittens too, so we hope Glinda will be ready for a boyfriend sometime this winter. We have plans for mating Kelly soon though, so with a bit of luck we'll have little darlings in November or so.
Anyway. Glinda might be my little tiger, but there are actual big tigers that need your help. Susan Farmgirl wrote a wonderful post a few days ago on big cats that need help - as in money, and if you know of a place that can take care of a few big cats, that would be wonderful too. Head over to Susan and read her post, or go straight to The Wild Animal Sanctuary. They could really use some help right now.
This week's round-up is hosted by Heather at Heather's Space! Head over here to check out more gorgeous kittycats!
Hello from Texas. What type of kitty is Glinda? She sure is pretty. And I just love it when they play play play.
Hi Heather! Glinda is a British Shorthair, color is brown spotted tabby :)
Hi Anne
My little Lulu (and her brother Herbie) are going to turn two in a few weeks. Little alley cats, they're still like kittens, too, and small size, too ;-) You can see them at http://anyamccoy.com/herbielulu.htm
Kiss Hamlet and Ywette for me -- the original babies!
I'm going to send you a recipe I learned from a Swedish lady about 15 years ago. I'm wondering if it's really authentic. I know it's really tasty and fattening!
Glinda is such a cutie pie. I just love her little face. Thanks so much, Anne, for putting up the info about The Wild Animal Sanctuary. I really think we can help save these magnificent animals! : )
Aaaawww, Glinda is so pretty. I really like the drastic change in her mood. Her sleeping pose looks so peaceful.
Hi Anne - found myself here via WCB. Your mighty little tiger is so cute!
oh brother, glinda is too cute! her little face in the 1st pic is *adorable*.
sweet and lazy cat
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