Alvin is my nephew. He turns one in just a little over a week - time flies! He's a big boy who loves to run and play. My brother, his fiance and Alvin had lunch with us a few days ago, and I made these little banana pancakes for Alvin. He seemed to like them - and they're very suitable for small children. If making them for adults, I'd add a touch of salt, and perhaps a bit of sugar, too. Depending on how ripe your banana is, of course. You can make these ahead and freeze them, and eat warm or cold. Very adaptable!

Alvin's Banana Pancakes
-1 banana
-1 egg
-1/2 dl flour (that's 50 ml, or 3 tbsp + 1 tsp)
Mash the banana, and beat with the egg and the flour to a smooth batter. Fry on medium heat in a little bit of butter.

And a kid *must* have dessert, too. Right?
oh he seems he is tastier than a pancake, yummy and cute :)
I love his little do-rag!
What a cutie! Great idea with the banana pancakes.
Alvin is a real cutie indeed! And I'm sure those bananaplättar will go down a storm with my two nephews:)
He's sooooo adorable, what a cutie!!!
aaah, yes Alvin’s so cute!
My little sister Katoo (almost 4) is also always so proud and happy when I’ve made her chocolate cookies or something like that! Really already my biggest fan...:)
I like the pancakes very much...will try them and leave the verdict to katoo! :)
Oh Anne, do you know what I found in the sup3ermarket yesterday? Kraft Mac & cheese, I immediatly thought of you! I¨ll have to buy it and give it a try :) pankisarna looks great!
He's so adorable :). We tried the banana pancake and it was a hit. We made it three times a week for breakfast. Great recipes, Anne. Thank you for sharing it with us.
cutie indeed!^^
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